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Nature and Engineering: The Park of the Buttes-Chaumont

21 November, 16:00 – 18:00 | via Zoom. Lecturer: Antoine Picon – Professor of the History of Architecture and Technology, Harvard Graduate School of Design.

«Incontri con il paesaggio»

17 November, 17:00 – 19:00 | Politecnico di Torino, Castello del Valentino, Torino.

Bibliothekseröffnung Lucius und Annemarie Burckhardt

25. November 2022, 18:00 Uhr | Anmeldung bis 18. November | Case Studio VOGT, Stampfenbachstrasse 59, Zürich.

(RE)Acting/(EN)Acting: New Approaches in Landscape Architecture

18 October, 17:00 | Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO).

Architecture of Territory: MY ENERGY

Thursday 24.11./1.12., 10:00 – 12:00 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E 7 + online. This lecture series sets up an agenda for widening the disciplinary field of architecture and urbanism to territorial scales, corresponding to the increasing scales of contemporary urbanisation.

Echo Park Lake, Los Angeles, August 7, 2022. Photo by anonymous activist.

Between Activism and Academia: Research Justice in Unequal Cities

11 October, 17:30 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, HG E 7. Lecturers: Ananya Roy, University of California, Los Angeles. Comments by Christian Schmid, ETH Zürich, Joanna Kusiak, University of Cambridge, and Hanna Hilbrandt, University of Zürich.

Wohnen: Zwölf Schlüsselthemen sozialräumlicher Wohnforschung

Buchvernissage 7. Oktober, 19:00 | Never Stop Reading, Spiegelgasse 18 / Untere Zäune, Zürich.

The [Seasonal] Arrival City: Designing for migrants’ ‘transient right to the city’

Buchvernissage 6. Oktober, 18:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIT, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27.

Bodies of Water – A Swiss Landscape Trilogy

Exhibition 4 – 14 October / Vernissage & Book Launch: 4 October, 18:00 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, HG Main Hall.

Profile der Landschaft. Talschaft: Gletsch, Rhônegletscher, Belvédère, Furkapass um 1925 / Quelle: Mittelholzer Walter; ETH-Bibliothek Zürich; Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz

Profile der Alpen: Landschaft, Landscape, Paysage – Talschaft

8. November 2022 | 18:00 ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL G 64.

E-Bike City © Lukas Ballo, ETH Zürich

The E-Bike City: Bringing Amsterdam and Copenhagen to Switzerland?

Transport challenges in cities have never been more urgent. Mobility must be rapidly decarbonized and negative externalities of traffic are gaining more attention. On the other side, growing urban populations and economic growth generate ever more traffic.

Henri Lefebvre and the Theory of the Production of Space

Starting 23 September on Fridays, 12:00 – 14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HCP E 47.2 | Elective Course / Urban Theory Seminar.

Pamphlet 26: Probing Zurich

Booklaunch 27 September, 18:00 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Haupthalle.

Gotthard Landschaft – eine digitale Reise durch das alpine Massiv

20. – 30. September | ETH Zürich, Zentrum, Hauptgebäude (HG) Innenhof. Im Rahmen der Schweizer Digitaltage bespielt die Ausstellung «Gotthard Landschaft» der Professur Christophe Girot mit einem Punktwolken-Modell dieser bedeutsamen Bergregion den Innenhof des ETH Hauptgebäudes.

River Campus 2030

Exhibition PSI Open House: 23 October, 10:00 – 17:00 | PSI Auditorium WHGA, Forschungsstr. 111, 5232 Villigen. Students of the chair of Prof. Christophe Girot present their vision for the campus of the Paul Scherrer Institute in 2030.

Interkantonal koordiniertes Monitoring Bauen ausserhalb Bauzonen

Am 3. Schweizer Landschaftskongress in Rapperswil hat die ETH Zürich in Kooperation mit dem Kanton Waadt das Projekt für ein interkantonal koordiniertes Monitoring zum Bauen ausserhalb der Bauzonen vorgestellt. Das Ziel des Projekts ist die partizipative Entwicklung von Indikatoren basierend auf bestehenden Datengrundlagen. Wer den Posterbeitrag verpasst hat, More

Start of soil sampling, photo by Lisa Emma Naudin, © Chair of Being Alive, ETH Zurich

Understanding a Place by Looking at its Soil

Doing fieldwork – such as the study of soil, vegetation, or other living systems – is an essential task in the discipline of landscape architecture. It helps to understand and translate the existing conditions of a place to uncover its potential for future transformations. The Chair of Being More

Verdichtung in Altstetten, Zürich, 2022. Foto: ETH Wohnforum / Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, ETH Zürich

Städtische Verdichtung und Verdrängung

9. Februar 2023, 17:00–18:45 Uhr | ZAZ BELLERIVE Zentrum Architektur Zürich, Höschgasse 3, Zürich. Expert:innen, Politiker:innen und Aktivist:innen diskutieren über die sozialen Auswirkungen der anhaltend raschen Verdichtung der Stadt Zürich. Diese erfolgt oft durch den Ersatz von preiswertem Wohnraum durch neue Wohnungen, die für einkommensschwächere Menschen nicht mehr erschwinglich sind. Am 25. Januar 2023 eröffnet More

Sprungbrett Wohnungsbau

15. September, 17:30–20:15 | PROGR, Bern.

False Clouds

9 September – 20 October | National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Urban Design Studio Sarajevo, BiH.

Symbolbild Der Traum vom Ferienhaus Chur: Ein Holzhaus wird per Traktor auf der Strasse transportiert

Der Traum vom Ferienhaus

11. September 2022, 10:30 | Kantonsbibliothek Graubünden, Karlihofplatz. Welche Spuren haben «Der Traum vom Ferienhaus» in audiovisuellen Dokumenten hinterlassen?

Symbolbild zu Der möblierte Berg: Rigi Kaltbad-First gestern, heute und morgen

Der möblierte Berg: Rigi Kaltbad-First gestern, heute und morgen 

24. September 2022, 14 bis 17 Uhr | Bergkirche Rigi Kaltbad.


Writing Landscapes, Writing the Urban

Methodology Seminar | Starting 22 September on Thursdays, 14:00 – 16:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, Rote Hölle, HIL E67.

Methoden der Stadtforschung: 21 Years of Urban Sociology

PROGRAMM GEÄNDERT! 22. September bis 8. Dezember 2022, jeweils Donnerstag, 13:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E1. Diese Vorlesungsreihe vermittelt einen Rückblick auf die Arbeit der Dozentur Soziologie am D-ARCH und einen aktuellen Überblick über sozialwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung.

Jennifer Duyne Barenstein

Jennifer Duyne Barenstein wird Leiterin des ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE

Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein übernimmt die Leitung des interdisziplinären Forschungszentrums ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE. Sie tritt die Nachfolge von Dr. Marie Glaser an und bringt langjährige internationale Leitungserfahrung mit. Die Sozialwissenschaftlerin ist seit sechs Jahren am ETH Wohnforum tätig und spezialisiert auf sozioökonomische und kulturelle Aspekte des More

Logo Sprungbrett Impulse Wohnungsbau

Sprungbrett – Impulse im Wohnungsbau

15. September, 17:30–20:15 | PROGR, Bern. Neudenken des Schweizer Wohnungsbaus: Clusterwohnen auf dem Dorf und mehr.

Master of Science ETH in Landscape Architecture

Apply now for Autumn 2023! The ETH Master‘s degree programme in Landscape Architecture is aimed at students with a Bachelor‘s degree in architecture or landscape architecture from a university or a Swiss university of applied sciences with at least 180 ECTS or equivalent. A motivation letter and a portfolio are More

Symbolbild: FIELDWORK WEEK_ChairOfBeingAlive_Cima_Citta-1000x

Fieldwork Week in Cima Città. Join us!

15. – 19. August 2022, registration deadline: 31.7.2022 | Cima Città, Valle di Blenio, Ticino. An open invitation to join the Chair of Being Alive for a week of getting their hands dirty.

Cover disP 58_1 March 2022

disP 58/1, March 2022

disP – The Planning Review, Volume 58, Issue 1, March 2022 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.

Sibylle Wälty and Freek Persyn under the Europa Bridge. (Photograph: Marcel Rickli)

Calculate or co-create?

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder – yet how do we find consensus on a shared amenity such as a neighbourhood? We took a stroll with two ETH architects to discover how they see their role as mediators between the conflicting priorities of urban consolidation, More

Eine kurze Geschichte des Bauens ausserhalb der Bauzone

Warum gibt es in der Schweiz eine Trennung zwischen Baugebiet und Nicht-Baugebiet? Was waren die Beweggründe, das Bauen ausserhalb der Bauzone streng zu reglementieren? Welche Akteure setzten sich für die Trennung ein und wie lief der politische Prozess ab? Antworten gibt diese kurze Geschichte des Bauens ausserhalb der More

disP Cover_preview 57.4 December 2021

disP 57/4, December 2021

disP – The Planning Review, Volume 57, Issue 4, December 2021 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.

4D Geo-designing Urban Transformation: Final Reviews

6 July 2022, 13:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E67.

Mobility simulations visualised on a physical 3D model for a more immersive and participatory experience © ETH Zurich

An Agent-based Digital Twin for Sarajevo

To support and enable the Urban Transformation of the City of Sarajevo through quantitative, data-driven assessments and novel 4D digital aesthetics, we apply digital twins and large-scale, agent-based, and bottom-up simulations.

Symbolbild Quelle: https://unsplash.com/photos/Njq3Nz6-5rQ

Application of Machine Learning Classifiers in Train Route Scheduling

How much are common machine learning classifiers, such as Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) better in forecasting than traditional discrete choice models? To which extent is it worth to sacrifice the improved interpretability of the latter to achieve a higher prediction More

Tentacular Writing. A Peer-to-Peer Writing Retreat

11–16 September 2022, public final presentations: 16 September | Tschlin, Graubünden | an ETH Zurich / EPFL Summer School for doctoral students. «It matters what stories we tell to tell other stories with; [it matters] (…) what thoughts think thoughts» (Haraway, 2016).

Imaginaries Exhibition

The Imaginaries exhibition edition, previously at the 2021 MAK Vienna Biennale, will travel to the 9th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB) Shenzhen, China from August to November 2022. The central theme is architectural responses and strategies in the context of global climate change.

© Nicolás Palacios, SPUR, IRL, ETH Zürich

Platforms and Urbanism: Challenges for Urban Governance

Digital platforms are increasingly present in everyday urban life. This has meant an increasing infrastructuralisation of digital platforms, creating opportunities, but also challenges for cities and governments. During COVID-19, delivery platforms and delivery workers became a staple of urban landscapes, but what has this meant for urban governance?

Alter Botanischer Garten Zürich © Dennis Häusler, LUS, ETH Zürich

Festival «Sonic Topologies»

Das Festival Sonic Topologies erkundet die Zürcher Klanglandschaft in vielfältigen Hörerlebnissen. Vom 24. bis 26.6. finden Konzerte, Vorträge und Workshops im Alten Botanischen Garten, Reservoir Lyren, Wärmebad Käferberg und am Zürichsee statt. Internationale Expert*innen aus Klangkunst, Klangarchitektur und akustischer Ökologie entfalten die Akustik dieser Orte und eröffnen neue More

Archetypes of socio-ecological-technological-systems. © Sergio Wicki, IRL, PLUS, ETH Zürich

Archetypes of Socio-ecological-technological-systems for Managing Ecological Infrastructure

The Valpar.CH project assesses the current state of the ecological infrastructure (EI) as well as the basis for a functioning EI in the future. To examine EI and communicate results, we delineate archetypes by clustering socio-economic, ecological, and technological indicators using machine-learning techniques. Within the boundaries of the More

Abb. 1: Konzeptueller Überblick über unseren Deep-Learning-Ansatz. Aus den sechs Eingaberastern identifizierte der Deep-Learning-Ansatz 45 Landschaftstypen. © PLUS, ETH Zürich

Eine neue Schweizer Landschaftstypologie mit Deep Learning

Die Identifizierung und Definition von Landschaftstypen ist nicht nur für die Übertragbarkeit von Landschaftsplanungs- und Managementstrategien unerlässlich, sondern auch eine Anforderung der von der Schweiz ratifizierten Europäischen Landschaftskonvention. Landschaftstypologien werden in der Regel von Expert:innen oder mit Hilfe sogenannter unsupervised clustering Techniken erstellt. Die letztgenannten Methoden haben jedoch More

ETH Eisenbahnlabor

21. und 22. Mai 2022 | Tag der offenen Tür | Hangar des Airforce Center, Flugplatz Dübendorf.

«Not Just Roads» by Nitin Bathla and Klearjos E. Papanicolaou wins SAH Award for Film and Video

The SAH Award for Film and Video recognizes annually the most distinguished work of film or video on the history of the built environment. «Not Just Roads is a well-filmed, focused and nuanced take on the impact of highway building in contemporary India on the disenfranchised. The film brings More

Group photo: Agreement on realization of 'Sarajevo Urban Transformation Project' signed

Agreement on Realisation of ‘Sarajevo Urban Transformation Project’ Signed

The agreement was signed by Prof. Hubert Klumpner from the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich), Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, Rector of the University of Sarajevo (UNSA), Prof. Dr. Adnan Pašić from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Sarajevo (UNSA) and Faruk Muharemović, Director of the More

Didier Balissat & Hanae Balissat: Synthetische Landschaftsmomente, 2014. Quelle: https://www.atlasofplaces.com/photography/synthetische-landschaftsmomente/

Alpine Landscapes in Transformation: Infrastructure, Culture, and Climate

Symposium, 12 and 13 May 2022. Public event, registration until 29 April 2022. Research workshops, round tables and keynote. Climate change, energy transition, urbanization, and industrialization have and will have tremendous effects on the Alpine landscape. Located at the crossroads of Europe, the transformations of this fragile environment More

Urban Research Incubator

Urban Research Incubator at ISTP Inaugurates New Interactive 3D Platform

The Urban Research Incubator at ISTP, researching public lighting, segregation, and security in two cities of the Global South (Cape Town and Bogota) created an interactive multi-user platform, making their research, policy briefs, and multimedia and immersive content more available. In doing so, they continue to engage in More

City network (Picture: David / Adobe Stock)

ETH Zurich – Center for Sustainable Future Mobility

6 May 2022, registration deadline 15. April 2022, 08:00 | Kick-off Symposium | ETH Zürich, Centre, HG E3. The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) has been established at ETH Zurich in order to promote research on sustainable and future-proof traffic and transport systems.

Temporary Camp for the Reincorporation of Excombatants in Tierragrata, Colombia. Photo credits: Daniela Sanjinés, ETH Zürich

«School of Architecture for Reconciliation» Nominated for KITE Award

The first phase of this school, organised by ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE, has been nominated for the prestigious KITE Award for Innovation in Learning and Technology, which honours the extraordinary efforts of teaching staff during the enforced remote teaching phase and showcases excellent examples of online teaching practice. On More