PuSH, a large, innovative European research project, has achieved funding from the EU HERA programme Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe (2019–2022). Distinguished researchers and non-academic partners from Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and Italy have achieved success in the face of fierce international competition, receiving €1 million from the EU HERA programme for the collaborative research project Public Space in European Social Housing (PuSH). The project aims to push forward our knowledge about the integration processes and cultural encounters that take place in shared spaces on social housing estates in Europe.
PuSH will explore the concept of publicness through the lenses of (non-)planning, democracy, cultural heritage and policymaking by studying the dynamic relationships between people and places on-site.
PuSH Switzerland is led by cultural anthropologist and housing researcher Dr. Marie Glaser, director of ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE and the Swiss group comprises Dr. Eveline Althaus, social anthropologist and Liv Christensen, researcher, all of whom are team members of ETH CASE.
The PuSH project will be launched May 2019, and the full project group consists of the following principal investigators (PIs) and organisational partners:
- Professor Ellen Braae, University of Copenhagen (Project Leader and PI, Denmark)
- Professor Inger-Lise Saglie, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo (PI, Norway)
- Dr. Marie Antoinette Glaser, director ETH CASE, ETH Zürich (PI, Switzerland)
- Professor Laura Lieto, Federico II University, Naples (PI, Italy)
- Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General, Housing Europe, European Federation for Public, Cooperative and Social Housing, Brussels, Belgium
- Dr Morten Mortensen, museum curator, Furesø Museum, Denmark
- Natalia Rogaczewska, Head of European and Public Affairs, Danmarks Almene Boliger/Danish Social Housing Sector, Denmark
- Katrine Emme Thielke, digital advisor, Denmark
- Margot Telnes/Øyvind Johnsen, Regional Director/Senior Advisor Husbanken, Norway
- Lene Basma, Head of Planning Department, Drammen Municipality, Norway
- Lillian Sandbackken Eilertsen, Head of Fjell 2020, Drammen Municipality, Norway
- Urs Hauser, Director, Wohnbaugenossenschaften Schweiz, Verband der gemeinnützigen Wohnbauträger/Swiss Association of Housing Cooperatives, Switzerland
- Dr Antonio Scarponi, exhibition architect and graphic designer, Conceptual Devices, Switzerland
- Luigi di Magistris/Francesca Pignataro, planner and GIS expert/Executive, Naples Municipality, SIT, Direzione Centrale Pianificazione e Gestione del Territorio, Italy
- Elena de Filippo, President, Dedalus Cooperativa Sociale, Italy
- Cristina Ferraiuolo, photographer/curator, Italy