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Call for Papers: NSL Colloquium 2024: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes

The NSL Colloquium will take place February 26-28 2025 at ETH Zürich and publishes an open call for submissions until November 8, 2024. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that Continua

Cost Benefit Analysis of Cycling Infrastructure

Cost-benefit analysis is a tool frequently used in project appraisal to justify the implementation of infrastructures. Due to insufficient recorded data, the construction costs and safety benefits of urban bicycling infrastructure are difficult to estimate, weakening the appraisal and implementation of such projects. In this research, we conducted Continua

Equity issues are the major impediment to economic demand management instruments. Addressing the fairness aspect of congestion pricing is crucial to drive real-world implementation. © ETH Zürich

Equitable Urban Traffic Management Systems with Karma Congestion Pricing

Most cities do not charge for driving. Do you think that is fair? It causes externalities such as noise and pollution to residents and shops. In peak-hours of congestion, valuable life time, money, and fuel are wasted. Do you think driving in the city should be priced? Do Continua

“I find the entire mobility system fascinating”: An Interview with Eva Heinen

Eva Heinen is the newly appointed Professor for Transportation and Mobility Planning in the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT). In the interview, she discusses how strategies to reduce car use and address congestion affect social groups differently.

Portrait Martina Voser. Quelle: live.nzz.ch (Bild: Marc Schwarz)

Was braucht heute die Schweizer Landschaft? Interview mit Martina Voser

Martina Voser ist seit 2021 Gastprofessorin an der ETH Zürich, Ende 2023 wurde sie zur ordentlichen Professorin für Landschaftsarchitektur berufen. Sie spricht von den tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die der Schweizer Landschaft bevorstehen, und dass ihre Professur zusammen mit der öffentlichen Hand und der Fachwelt die nötigen Transformationsprozesse entwickeln kann.

Figure: Simplified visualization of the energy flow during a usual rail operation for a train run between points A and B (Source: Nold & Corman, 2024)

Increasing Realism in Modelling Energy Losses in Railway Vehicles

Energy modelling is extensive. Different detailed modelling approaches can lead to significant simulation deviations. Detailed modelling leads to additional energy savings.

D-BAUG Urban Research Seminar

22. November 2024 | Time and Place tbd.

Open House Zürich, Quartierrundgang «10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften»

25. September 2023, 18:15–19:15 | Treffpunkt: Angabe nach Anmeldung


Autumn Semester, 18:30-20:00 | ETH Zürich, Design in Dialogue Lab @ Neunbrunnenstrasse 50.

Matters of Urban Expertise: Who develops the City of the Future?

6-8. November 2024, 09:00–18:00 | Symposium | Zurich, ETH Zurich.

Digital Double: Situating and Troubling AI Technologies for Architectural Reconstruction and Urban Simulation

24-25. October 2024, 09:00–18:00 | Symposium | Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History.

Guest Lecturer to teach a Design Studio

For the second time the Department of Architecture (D-Arch) of ETH Zurich is looking for innovative approaches for studio teaching in architectural design. Job description

Einführungsvorlesung Prof. Martina Voser: I paesaggi invisibili – Eine Reise durch blaugraugrüne Facetten

26. November, 17:15 | ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude HG F 30 (Auditorium Maximum).

2 + 2 + 1 Eine Debatte über zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur

30. Oktober, 3. Dezember, jeweils 18:30 | Zürich, Langstr. 200.

ETH RAUM Öffentliche Vorlesungsreihe

Herbstsemester 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg

Professur für Architektur und Adaptive Re-use

Im Departement Architektur der ETH Zürich ist eine Professur für Architektur und Adaptive Re-use zu besetzen. Die Professur wird dem Institut für Entwurf und Architektur IEA zugeordnet. Job description

Baukultur back to the future

3-4. October 2024 | Kolloquium | Mendrisio, Lugano.

Grundlagen: Vitrinen. A Zürich Lexicon

11-27. September 2024 | ETH Zürich, GTA Foyer, HIL.

Urban Codes and Urban Forms: The Case of Zurich

27. November 2024 | Kolloquium | ETH Zürich.

disP 60/1, March 2024

disP – The Planning Review, Volume 60, Issue 1, March 2024 is now available online at Taylor & Francis Online.

Teresa Galí-Izard für Schelling Architekturpreise nominiert

Die Schelling Architekturstiftung vergibt alle zwei Jahre die Schelling Architekturpreise. 2024 hat das Kuratorium unter dem Leitgedanken «Deep Transformations – Erde, Landschaft, Architektur» drei Büros vorgeschlagen, die das klassische Berufsbilder hinter sich lassen: Das Bureau Bas Smets aus Brüssel, LOLA Landscape Architects aus Rotterdam und das Büro Arquitectura Continua

Öffentliche Anhörung im olympischen Center zum Masterplan für Sarajevo

Digital Twin für Sarajevo

Die Professur von Professor Hubert Klumpner hat das erste KI-unterstütze 4D-Modell für Sarajevo entworfen. Es berücksichtigt auch die zeitliche Dimension in der Stadtplanung und war die Grundlage für öffentliche Anhörungen. «Um die Komplexität der Stadt abbilden zu können, brauchen wir neue Methoden, Prozesse und Technologien», sagt Klumpner.

Public Guest Talk with Arturo Escobar – POSTPONED

Relationality: An Emergent Politics of Life Beyond the Human Please note: this lecture has been postponed. New date TBA

Wohnraum für alle ist hindernisfrei-anpassbar

5. September 2024, 09:00–17:00 | Symposium | Kongresshaus Biel, Vereinssaal, Zentralstrasse 60.

DER AUTOMOBILE MENSCH – Filmvorführung & Podiumsdiskussion zur Verkehrswende

17 Juni 2024, 18:00–20:30 | Filmpodium | Stadt Zürich Kultur Filmpodium, Nüschelerstrasse 11.

Cover image for the website and its comprehensive toolbox for flood risk mitigation in refugee settlements

A Comprehensive Toolbox for Flood Risk Mitigation in Refugee Settlements

SPUR launches a comprehensive toolbox for flood risk mitigation in refugee settlements: www.humanitarian-​risk.org. The toolbox includes a GIS tool to create flood risk maps and mitigation strategies, a compendium of flood risk mitigation measures and a participatory risk mapping methodology. We are thankful for the support of our Continua

PhD in Decision support methods to foster regenerative construction solutions and increase resilience of vulnerable and underserved communities

100%, Zurich, fixed-term. Join the research team at the Chair of Sustainable Construction, D-BAUG, ETH Zurich in a project designed to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities worldwide against climate change. This PhD position is an opportunity to contribute to a global initiative that involves multiple international institutions. Continua

Today's Seebahngraben is the result of entrenching the rail spur in Wiedikon to solve congestion at ground level. The image shows a geometric survey recorded in 2023 with terrestrial laser scanning in which the positions are differentiated by color.

Virtualizing Urban Transition

At a time of global anthropogenic paroxysms, initiatives for urban transition are multiplying to ensure quality and resilience of life in cities. In particular, public open space holds immense potential for rapid adaptation to mitigate the severe risks to human health arising from global warming, pollution and pandemics. Continua

Ökosystemleistungen (materielle: gelb, regulierende: grün, immaterielle: türkis). Planungstools (in rot) können helfen, die komplexen Zusammenhänge besser abzubilden und gegeneinander abzuwägen. (Illustration: Noëlle Klein)

Planungstools zur besseren Integration von Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen in raumrelevante Entscheidungen

Der Aktionsplan Biodiversität soll den Zustand der Biodiversität in der Schweiz verbessern. Ein wichtiger Faktor ist der Einbezug von Ökosystemleistungen/Biodiversität in Raumentscheidungen. In einem Bundesmandat wurde eine Übersicht zu Planungstools erstellt, die dabei helfen können. Es wurden planungsinvolvierte Personen interviewt, um Hindernisse und Nachfrage nach Planungstools zu identifizieren.

Fig. Data flow of the proposed methodological framework.

Adaptive Planning for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Although a transition to electric vehicles (EVs) has potential to greatly reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, it faces significant challenges, including range anxiety and limitations in battery capacity. Effective long-term planning for EV charging infrastructure can overcome these barriers and increase the chances of widespread adoption.

«Die Raumplanung kann mit ihren Instrumenten einen wichtigen Beitrag zu mehr Wohnraum und lebenswerten Räumen beitragen.»

Damian Jerjen ist neu – nebst seinem Engagement am EspaceSuisse – als Professor of Practice beim NSL, ETH Zürich, in der Grundausbildung für die Raumplaner:innen tätig. Im Interview spricht er über die besten Strategien gegen die Wohnraumknappheit, das Gesetz über eine sichere Stromversorgung, das im Juni zur Abstimmung Continua

A drawing, produced using the BeingAliveLanguage tool, combines soil, forest, and agricultural farmland to illustrate the Landscape City concept, which seeks to anchor our lives and constructions in the laws of nature for the well-being of all in a world transformed by human activity.

Empowering the Next Generation: Illustrating Landscape Systems by Computation

Landscape systems are intricate and challenging to illustrate effectively. The BeingAliveLanguage, a groundbreaking software integrated into Rhino/Grasshopper, revolutionizes the visualization of soil-centric information. Developed by ETH Zurich’s “Chair of Being Alive,” this tool empowers designers and planners to create expressive, automated illustrations that support decision-making processes.

Drive Forward: Revolutionizing Traffic with Advanced Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction

Understanding how vehicles move is crucial for safer, more coordinated, and smarter transportation systems. However, directly observing vehicle trajectories is impractical, posing a challenge to obtaining accurate trajectory data with limited sensing capabilities. We explore our innovative approach to vehicle trajectory reconstruction, reshaping the future of traffic management.

Portrait Martina Voser. Quelle: live.nzz.ch (Bild: Marc Schwarz)

«Das Bild der Heidi-​Schweiz wird sich verändern und es wird neue Naturen geben»

Der Klimawandel bedeutet mehr Bergstütze und Überschwemmungen. Wie die Landschaftsarchitektur darauf reagieren kann, untersucht die ETH-​Professorin Martina Voser im Sandkasten, am Computer und im Dialog mit der Bevölkerung.

Bild: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid

«Der Begriff der alpinen Brache war eine Provokation»

Der Soziologieprofessor Christian Schmid wird dieses Jahr emeritiert. Im Interview mit Andres Herzog blickt er zurück auf seine Zeit am ETH Studio Basel, das mit dem Buch «Die Schweiz: ein städtebauliches Porträt» für Diskussionen gesorgt hat und dessen Publikationen ab Mai als Open Access online frei zugänglich sind.

LUS Doctoral Crits AS 2024 & Book Launch

30. May 2024, 12:30 – 18:45 | ETH Zurich, ONA, DiD.

Poster for the exhibition called ramification. all information on the poster is also in the text below.

Ramification. Eine Ausstellung zur zeitgenössischen Landschaftsarchitektur

Vernissage: 20. April 2024 ab 17 Uhr. Ausstellung: 21. April bis 07. Juli 2024.

Blick auf das Koch Areal in Zürich-​Altstetten: ein aktuelles Beispiel für eine gemischt genutzte, genossenschaftliche Wohnanlage mit Grünflächen. (Bild: Keystone/Christian Beutler)

What can cities do to promote acceptance of densification?

Swiss cities are more likely to accept densification when densification projects provide affordable housing and green spaces compared to densification that is implemented through reduced regulations for housing construction. By prioritizing a socio-​ecological densification, extensive planning procedures and delays might be minimized. Read the article on ETH News.

Written title and banner of Summer-School-Milan ENHANCE Synergic Urban Systems

Hybrid Summer School Synergic Urban Systems

6 – 27 July 2024 | Deadline extended to 15 April.

DELUS Issue 1

Il numero pilota di DELUS è stato presentato presso ONA DiD Lab nell’autunno del 2023. Offre una varietà di spunti diversi relativi a questioni urbane e legate al paesaggio. Presenta metodi nuovi per decifrare svariati mondi e narrare storie variegate. I contributi spaziano dallo svisceramento di storie di Continua

disP 59/4, December 2023

disP – The Planning Review, Volume 59, Issue 4, December 2023 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.

Beispiel für die Zeitreihe des Verkehrsvolumens auf ländlichen Strassen (rote Linien) in der Region um die Stadt Peking in China. Das Jahr für jeden Zeitschritt steht unterhalb der Abbildung. Die Breite des Strassenabschnitts ist proportional zum Verkehrsvolumen auf der Strasse. Die Ausdehnung des Stadtgebiets ist in Dunkelrot dargestellt. Es ist deutlich zu erkennen, dass der Strassenverkehr im ländlichen Gebiet dieser Region zwischen 1975 und 2015 stark zugenommen hat. © ETH Zürich

Globale Modellierung des ländlichen Strassenverkehrs ausserhalb der Städte

Der Verkehr auf ländlichen Strassen ausserhalb der Städte kann erhebliche negative Auswirkungen auf die Ökologie und Umwelt von Natur- und Agrarlandschaften haben. Der Umfang dieser Auswirkungen kann jedoch nicht bestimmt werden, da in vielen Ländern keine Daten zum Verkehrsvolumen auf ländlichen Strassen verfügbar sind. Deshalb haben wir einen Continua

Master of Science in Landscape Architecture

Applications until 30 April for autumn 2024. The Master‘s degree programme in Landscape Architecture is aimed at students with a Bachelor‘s degree in architecture or landscape architecture from a university or Swiss University of Applied Sciences with at least 180 ECTS or equivalent.

The structure of the Markov prediction model

Maintenance and Advanced Analytics in Railways

On-Board Monitoring techniques, defined as using commercial trains to monitor the track status, have garnered much attention recently. While data come in relatively low quality, OBM is a low-cost and efficient alternative to traditional monitoring methods. Thus, funded by the ETH Mobility Initiative project OMISM, this study checks Continua

Portrait Damian Jerjen, (Bild: ©Damian Jerjen)

Damian Jerjen named «Professor of Practice»

Damian Jerjen is currently Director of the Swiss association for spatial planning EspaceSuisse and Lecturer at ETH Zurich and other Swiss universities. He is an economist and spatial planner. He serves on various bodies, including the Council for Spatial Planning (ROR). At EspaceSuisse, he supports and brings together Continua

Total amount of specific trends and innovations considered, classified into fields: Supply, Operations, Technology General and Technology Automation. The inner circle shows the percentile magnitude of each field. For each area, the outer circle shows the potential corresponding to the inner fields, i.e., the possible improvement and benefit of a single technology towards the system performance, quantifiable, for instance, in better performance of railway supply. © ETH Zürich

How Will the Railway Look Like in 2050?

Many aspects contribute to the further development of the technologies, but no single game changer could be identified. Developments are expected in automation; revolutionary changes are perceived as unlikely.

Dynamic allocation of urban road space based on the bi-modal (motorized vehicles and bicycles) daily traffic pattern [source- mattership.io]

Envisioning a Cycling-centric Future: Urban Traffic Modeling and Management for a Bi-modal Network

Allocating dedicated road space to slow modes is considered an effective way toward a radical modal shift. By exploiting traffic flow theoretical knowledge, convenient models can be developed to help evaluate the influence of such a large-scale transformation on network traffic performance. Novel strategies for bi-modal urban traffic Continua

Example setup of stress testing road networks subject to extreme rainfall events leading to flooding and landslides. The transport system is represented by five sets of events: source, which represent the initiating event, here rainfall; hazard, representing consequent hazards; object, which capture the impact of hazard on individual assets; network, which represent the functionality of the transport network, and societal, which capture the impact on the society, e.g., costs of restoration tasks and disruption to the traffic flow. Risks can then be assessed based on the ensuing direct and indirect costs. In line with the system representation, there are five types of stress tests. Each stress test concerns one or multiple parts of the system, pushing them to scenarios that are significantly worse than expected or planned and evaluating whether risks are still acceptable or not. If a stress test does not pass, it can guide infrastructure managers on what parts of the system require improving interventions. © ETH Zürich

Stress Testing Transport Systems

Transportation systems are vital for economic and social development, yet are susceptible to disruptions caused by natural hazards, especially considering the adverse impacts of climate change on increasing the intensity of frequency of climatic hazards. To manage these risks effectively, stress testing, as a diagnostic tool, has shown Continua