LUS Doctoral Crits HS24
4 December 2024, 09:00 – 13:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIT F 12. The autumn semester crits will follow a condensed format, featuring five presentations. We are honoured to welcome Prof. Dr. Charlotte Malterre-Barthes from EPFL as our external reviewer.
New Ruralities (NERU)
New Ruralities (NERU) is an Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships programme, which brings together six design units within the universities of ULB (Brussels), POLITO (Torino), UDC (La Coruña), UMinho (Braga), UACEG (Sofia) and ETH (Zürich). The Newrope chair is participating on behalf of ETH. The partnership’s aim is to generate Mehr
History and Theory of Architecture VIII: Seen from the South
A new core theory course for master’s students taught in spring 2024 argues that the list of ‘great’ cities needs to be rethought. Given the diversity of urbanisms around the world, it would be a disservice to limit one’s perspective to theoretical notions originating in Europe and America.
Awaska Alpa_Woven Territory
14.10.2023–14.01.2024 | Exhibition | Akademie der Künste, Berlin. Awaska Alpa is a research project that critically explores the representation of Inga territory in the Andean Amazon of Colombia. During colonial times, the Spanish crown established the Indigenous resguardo (reserve) as a form of collective land tenure to “protect,” Mehr
Nature conservation and Indigenous territories – Transitioning from the biological to the biocultural
The 16th Conference of Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) took place in Colombia during the last two weeks of October 2024. The city of Cali became the main stage for intergovernmental efforts to protect nature. A key outcome of the summit was recognising the Mehr
ENHANCE Summer School: From Dystopia to Euphoria – Synergic Urban Systems Under Pressure
1-6 September 2025 | TU Berlin
DELUS Issue 1
5 December | launch event | SAE Greenhouse (ETH Zurich, Häldeliweg 19, 8044 Zurich). DELUS Issue 1 adopts a water-centric lens through the notion of Chasing Water and presents a collection of writings forming an anthology.
Developing a Unity-based Tool to Integrate Sound into Landscape Design and Evaluation
The acoustic quality of outdoor spaces is receiving increasing attention in planning and design disciplines. Yet, it is very difficult for non-experts in acoustics to include the effects of landscape changes on the so-called soundscape in their daily work. In the Innovedum project «Unity App for Soundscape Design Mehr
Creating a Situated and Multilayered Understanding of Global Production Space Through Collective Interventions
Rooted in the tension between concrete locations and global networks, between movement and stillness, space and place, and between clusters and dispersed zones, global production landscapes are challenging to understand. Where do these production spaces originate? Who owns, designs, and manages them? Due to the opaque nature of Mehr
Responsiveness of Transport Infrastructure Planning Processes
Responsiveness of planning processes is the ability to meet changing societal transport needs quickly in ways that are acceptable to all stakeholders. In Switzerland, considerable traffic jams and overfilled trains indicate that planning processes could be made more responsive. As delays for travelers persist, their needs are not Mehr
disP 60/2, June 2024
disP – The Planning Review, Volume 60, Issue 2, June 2024 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.
Tagung Landmanagement 2025: Klimaresilientes Wassermanagement im ländlichen Raum
23. Januar 2025 | ETH Zürich, Audimax, HG F 30, Rämistrasse 101.
Digitale Zwillinge für unsere Städte
4-D-Modelle helfen, Städte zu verstehen und nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Am Forum des «Netzwerks Stadt und Landschaft» an der ETH Zürich wird dies anhand aktueller Forschung veranschaulicht. Artikel im Velojournal
Brownbag Lunch zum Thema Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung im Bereich Raumplanung
27. November 2024, 11:45 – 13:30 | ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude HG E 42 (Pallmann Sitzungszimmer)
DAM Book Award 2024 for «Researching Otherwise»
Multi-disciplinarity is on the agenda for the contemporary architectural debate, and Researching Otherwise – edited by ETH-based scholar Nitin Bathla – takes a broad look at the topic. Divided into three chapters dedicated to transdisciplinary, sensory, and restitutive methods, the book presents pluriversal research projects, which range from Mehr
Open House Westhof «Architekturen des Zusammenlebens – Small Talk!», Architekturführung im Anschluss
29. Oktober 2024, 16:00 – 17:30 | Mehrzweckraum, Westhof Dübendorf, Zukunftstrasse 13, 8600 Dübendorf
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board: Video and Manifesto now online!
Did you miss the NSL Forum and Cycling Research Board «Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility», on September 4th? The video link is now available on the event website! In addition, for a quick read and an overview of the workshops, you can download the «Collective Manifesto for Mehr
CAS ETH in Regenerative Materials – Essentials 2025
Sustainable Construction | Application Window: 1 – 30 November 2024.
Call for Papers: Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25)
We are thrilled to announce the Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE25), which will be held from June 25 to 27, 2025 in Zürich. The conference topic is “Shaping Tomorrow: Systems Thinking in the Built Environment”. Releasing over 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions and consuming over 40% of Mehr
Wie die Ukraine ihr Energiesystem wiederaufbauen kann
ETH-Forschende haben mit Forschenden aus der Ukraine und Deutschland untersucht, wie sich die zerstörte ukrainische Energieinfrastruktur mit erneuerbarer Energie wiederaufbauen lässt. Demnach ermöglichen Solar- und Windkraft eine schnelle, dezentrale Versorgung und beugen der Korruption vor. Artikel in den ETH News.
Brasilândia Design Studio at University of St. Gallen Latin America Week
21-24 October 2024 | St. Gallen, SQUARE, Guisanstrasse 20
Call for Papers: NSL Colloquium 2024: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
The NSL Colloquium will take place February 26-28 2025 at ETH Zürich and publishes an open call for submissions until November 8, 2024. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that Mehr
Cost Benefit Analysis of Cycling Infrastructure
Cost-benefit analysis is a tool frequently used in project appraisal to justify the implementation of infrastructures. Due to insufficient recorded data, the construction costs and safety benefits of urban bicycling infrastructure are difficult to estimate, weakening the appraisal and implementation of such projects. In this research, we conducted Mehr
Equitable Urban Traffic Management Systems with Karma Congestion Pricing
Most cities do not charge for driving. Do you think that is fair? It causes externalities such as noise and pollution to residents and shops. In peak-hours of congestion, valuable life time, money, and fuel are wasted. Do you think driving in the city should be priced? Do Mehr
„I find the entire mobility system fascinating“: An Interview with Eva Heinen
Eva Heinen is the newly appointed Professor for Transportation and Mobility Planning in the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT). In the interview, she discusses how strategies to reduce car use and address congestion affect social groups differently.
Was braucht heute die Schweizer Landschaft? Interview mit Martina Voser
Martina Voser ist seit 2021 Gastprofessorin an der ETH Zürich, Ende 2023 wurde sie zur ordentlichen Professorin für Landschaftsarchitektur berufen. Sie spricht von den tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die der Schweizer Landschaft bevorstehen, und dass ihre Professur zusammen mit der öffentlichen Hand und der Fachwelt die nötigen Transformationsprozesse entwickeln kann.
Increasing Realism in Modelling Energy Losses in Railway Vehicles
Energy modelling is extensive. Different detailed modelling approaches can lead to significant simulation deviations. Detailed modelling leads to additional energy savings.
Erneuerbare Energien im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Ansprüche
Das Schweizer Energiesystem soll gemäss Energiestrategie 2050 massgeblich mit Photovoltaik- (PV) und Wind-energieanlagen umgestaltet werden. Jedoch beeinflussen diese Anlagen die Wahrnehmung der Landschaft durch die Bevölkerung und können zu Konflikten mit verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Interessen führen. Auch der Wald steht zunehmend in der Diskussion, einen Beitrag zur Energiewende zu Mehr
LUS Doctoral Seminar: More-Than Methodologies: Explorations in Landscape and Urban Research
Fridays, 10:00-12:00 | ETH Zürich, HCI D 4
Open House Zürich, Quartierrundgang «10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften»
25. September 2024, 18:15–19:15 | Treffpunkt: Angabe nach Anmeldung
10 October – 4 December 2024, 18:30-20:00 | ETH Zürich, Design in Dialogue Lab, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50.
Matters of Urban Expertise: Who develops the City of the Future?
6-8 November 2024, 09:00–18:00 | Symposium | ETH Zürich.
Digital Double: Situating and Troubling AI Technologies for Architectural Reconstruction and Urban Simulation
24-25 October 2024, 09:00–18:00 | Symposium | Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History.
Guest Lecturer to teach a Design Studio
For the second time the Department of Architecture (D-Arch) of ETH Zurich is looking for innovative approaches for studio teaching in architectural design. Job description
Einführungsvorlesung Prof. Martina Voser: I paesaggi invisibili – Eine Reise durch blaugraugrüne Facetten
26. November, 17:15 | ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude HG F 30 (Auditorium Maximum), Rämistrasse 101.
2 + 2 + 1 Eine Debatte über zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur
3. Dezember 2024, jeweils 18:30 | Zürich, Langstr. 200.
Professur für Architektur und Adaptive Re-use
Im Departement Architektur der ETH Zürich ist eine Professur für Architektur und Adaptive Re-use zu besetzen. Die Professur wird dem Institut für Entwurf und Architektur IEA zugeordnet. Job description
disP 60/1, March 2024
disP – The Planning Review, Volume 60, Issue 1, March 2024 is now available online at Taylor & Francis Online.
Teresa Galí-Izard für Schelling Architekturpreise nominiert
Die Schelling Architekturstiftung vergibt alle zwei Jahre die Schelling Architekturpreise.