9 January – 20 November 2023 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H 35.3 or HIL H 40.4 and online.
Land Policy for the New Land Question
13/03 Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann I TU Dortmund
Urban Sustainability – lssues, Actors, and Networks
27/03 Dr. Mario Angst I University of Zurich
Governance Strategies for Sustainable Development in Telecoupled Land Systems
24/04 Ass. Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberlack I CDE University of Bern
Gig Work and Platform Urbanism
19/06 Prof. Dr. Niels van Doorn I University of Amsterdam
Urban Politics and Public Acceptance
17/07 Prof. Dr. Philippe Koch I ZHAW Architecture
Cycling Practises and Politics
25/09 Prof. Dr. Patrick Rérat I University of Lausanne
Visual Tools in Research: Within and Beyond Communication
23/10 Dr. Samer Angelone I University of Zurich
Evidence-Based Policy Making and Sustainability
20/11 Dr. Ueli Reber I Eawag Swiss lnsitute Aquatic Science
Please subscribe for the event via this link.
Prof. Dr. David Kaufmann, Spatial Development and Urban Policy (SPUR), IRL, NSL, D-BAUG
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