Are Integrated Infrastructure Networks Governable in Contemporary City Regions?

Guest: Prof. Dr. Michael Neuman, Professor of Sustainable Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster. The very possibility of governance that is critical — in terms of providing robust human rights, meaningful participative democracy, equitable distribution of wealth, goods and services, and strong environmental More

Current Challenges for Logistics

You missed this NSL colloquium on 14 May? The film recording is now online! Logistics and mobility of goods is facing relevant substantial challenges, which are mostly invisible to users, differently from the challenges of personal mobility, such as delays, traffic jams, etc, which we witness daily. This More

Schmelzende Landschaften

Link zur Filmaufnahme NSL Kolloquium: 16. Mai 2018, Semper-Aula, HG G 60, ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich. Ausstellung: 14. bis 18. Mai 2018, Haupthalle, ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich.

Strategien und Planungsinstrumente für polyzentrische Stadtregionen. Fallstudien Amsterdam und Zürich

Link zur Filmaufnahme Strategien und Planungsinstrumente für polyzentrische Stadtregionen. Fallstudien Amsterdam und Zürich Hohe Lebensqualität, hoher Wachstumsdruck: Die Bevölkerungsdichte im Schweizer Mittelland – wo zwei Drittel der Schweizer Bevölkerung leben – ist gleich hoch wie in den Niederlanden, dem am dichtesten besiedelten Land in Europa. Gemeinsam ist Amsterdam und More

De-Localize: The Power of Synthesis

Link to the video recording Alejandro Aravena is the Executive Director of ELEMENTAL, a socially motivated architectural practice based in Santiago, Chile. His lecture «The Power of Synthesis» will inaugurate the NSL lecture series as an annual presentation of exceptional work under a rotating theme determined by the More