6 – 27 July 2024 | Deadline extended to 15 April.
Organized within the ENHANCE alliance a hybrid summer school Synergic Urban Systems will be held May 6th to July 27th 2024 (blended intensive programme). The call is open for ETH Zurich students (D-BAUG, D-ARCH, D-USYS, ISTP). Deadline for applications has been extended until 15 April 2024.
The Summer School is free of charge. ETH Zurich will support ETH Zurich students’ participation with a scholarship funded by Movetia. The summer school is organized within the ENHANCE alliance. The aim of the initiative is to enable the seamless mobility of students.
The Summer School Synergic Urban Systems is a hybrid summer school (blended intensive programme; 4 ECTS). It is organized within the ENHANCE alliance by the following universities: RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin, Politecnico di Milano, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim), Polytechnic University of Valencia, Warsaw University of Technology, ETH Zurich.
It aims to provide participants with skills necessary to design innovative interdisciplinary approaches to urban systems integration across key sectors, including climate change, health and well-being, social and economic life, urban natural environment, accessibility and connectivity, equality and inclusiveness.
The Summer School will be based on participatory processes in which students develop context-specific and place-based visions and implementation proposals for an urban transformation area in the City of Milan. Processes of transformative urban change will be discussed with representatives of the civil society and economic decision-makers.
Lessons of the online phase in May and June 2024 will be recorded.