Call for Papers by 29 January 2021.
This is a call for papers for the panel Urban policy analysis: Theoretical and empirical developments that David Kaufmann (ETH Zürich) and Mara Sidney (Rutgers University) organize at the 5th International Conference on Public Policy in Barcelona from 6-8 July 2021.
Submit your paper abstract here. Deadline is 29 January 2021.
This panel will explore theoretical and empirical developments of urban policy analysis. We suggest that to understand contemporary societal transformation, the policies that cities create and implement are essential objects of study. Contemporary confrontations between public and private property, between power and justice, between participation and exclusion, wealth and poverty, and emerging technology and existing economic, social, and political structures take physical form in cities (Kaufmann and Sidney 2020). Such confrontations occur in the midst of the pandemic: «Essential workers» risk their lives to provide services to other workers who are able to stay at home; multiracial protests, led by black and other racialized community members, rally against police brutality in U.S. cities and also around the world.
We welcome papers that explore and seek to build urban policy analysis, empirically and theoretically. Find more information here.
Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development (IRL), Prof. Dr. David Kaufmann | Spatial Development and Urban Policy (SPUR)
Kaufmann, David and Mara Sidney. 2020. Toward an Urban Policy Analysis: Incorporating Participation, Multilevel Governance, and ‘Seeing like a City, PS: Political Science & Politics 53(1): 1-5.