Registration until 22 March | IVT–Seminar, workshop and inaugural lecture Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman  | 28 March 2018 | ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zurich

Digitalization of Transport Systems (workshop)
28 March 2018, 13:30–16:45 | room HG G 60 (Semper Aula)

Transport Systems in the digital revolution (inaugural lecture Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman)
28 March 2018, 17:15–18:30 | room HG F 30 (Audimax)

Programme Workshop

13:30 Prof. F. Corman: welcome address

13:30 Dr. G. Medeossi, TrenoLab, Trieste, Italy: Data Analysis to improve the quality of operations: Application to Crossrail.

14:15 A. Toletti, ETH Zürich; Dr. G. Caimi, SBB: Academic research and railways: lessons learnt.

15:00 Break

15:15 P. Neubert, Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich: «Digital» VBZ – How could data better meet the needs of the customer?

16:00 Dr. E. van der Hurk, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen: Passenger focused disruption management.

16:45 Closing remarks

Programme Inaugural Lecture

17:15, Prof. Dr. F. Corman, IVT ETH Zurich: Transport Systems in the digital revolution.


Contact: Secretariat IVT, Francesco Corman


Participation is free. Please register until 22. March.

The contributions will be available after the seminar at the IVT-Website.