NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board

Digital Twins for Europe’s Future Mobility 4 – 6 September 2024 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3 and HIT. Today’s design reflects the car-oriented consensus, which was formulated between the 1930’s and 1950’s and adopted around the world since then. The climate crisis challenges this orientation and asks More

What can cities do to promote acceptance of densification?

Swiss cities are more likely to accept densification when densification projects provide affordable housing and green spaces compared to densification that is implemented through reduced regulations for housing construction. By prioritizing a socio-​ecological densification, extensive planning procedures and delays might be minimized. Read the article on ETH News.

How will the railway look like in 2050? A survey of experts on technologies, challenges and opportunities for the railway system

The railway system can fulfil society’s current and future transportation goals; compared to other transport modes, it does that with high energy, space and resource efficiency. It can deliver high-quality transport services, superior speed, safety and comfort to most competing modes. Nevertheless, its share of the total traffic More

In Gedenken an Willy A. Schmid

Willy A. Schmid war von 1978 bis 2008 Professor für Landschafts-​ und Umweltplanung am Institut für Raum-​ und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL), der heutigen Professur für Planung von Landschaft und Urbanen Systemen (PLUS) und Mitbegründer des Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft (NSL) an der ETH Zürich. Er hat Generationen von Raum-​ und Landschaftsplaner:innen More

Humanitarian Planning Hub

The Humanitarian Planning Hub is a research and policy hub for co-creating knowledge between academia and practice to serve the housing needs of displaced populations worldwide through environmentally and socially sustainable humanitarian planning. The first project of the humanitarian planning hub is a cooperation with the Geneva Technical More