20 October 2022, 18:30 (2 December: 17:30) | ETH Zürich, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Zürich.
This year, the LUS Talks will engage diverse perspectives from practitioners and theorists addressing South America’s complex social and ecological landscapes.
As we enter a new wave of global political uncertainty after the pandemic and move towards the middle of the climate crisis, activists and academics from this continent might be able to provide some critical reflections on how to reconnect with each other and with our common world.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Seba Calfuqueo’s presentation will take place one hour earlier, at 17:30. The day and place remain the same: Friday, December 2 at ONA E7 (Fokushalle).
Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)