Newsletter Ausgabe: NL 38
NSL Colloquium: Re-Thinking the 21st Century City
Date: To be defined. As part of the series of NSL Colloquiua, this event will bring together practitioners from the fields of architecture and urban design with a special emphasis on the most pressing issues for cities in the 21st century. Through talks and open discussions, this event More
NSL Kolloquium Schmelzende Landschaften: Der Film ist online!
Wer das NSL Kolloquium Schmelzende Landschaften verpasst hat, kann sich dieses nun online ansehen. Im Kolloquium treten künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Positionen zu alpinen Gletschern in Dialog. Was vereint künstlerische Fotografie mit glaziologischer Messung? Mit welchen Mitteln lässt sich auf den Gletscherschwund aufmerksam machen? Fotografen, Klangkünstlerinnen, Glaziologen und Kulturwissenschaftlerinnen More
Estimations of the Potential and the Impact of Rail Freight in Urban Areas
The dissertation examines whether rail freight systems can be designed to allow for the integration into urban supply chains. It concludes that railway has the potential to complement the urban freight system with an alternative transport system. The challenge for planners will be to provide the freight system More
38 | Juni 2018: Big Data in der Forschung / Big Data in Research
Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser Damit grosse Datenvolumen für Forschungszwecke geeignet sind, muss nicht nur Qualität und Quantität der Daten dem benötigten Standard entsprechen. Der Einsatz derselben in Fragen der Mobilität, des Städtebaus, der Ökosystem-Dienstleistungen und des Infrastruktur-Managements möchten wir Ihnen mit diesem NewSLetter näher bringen. Wir wünschen viel More
To Exploit Big Data for the Management of Infrastructure
The management of infrastructure involves estimating how infrastructure is likely to deteriorate and how demands infrastructure change over time. Increasing amounts of data and increasing modelling capabilities are providing infrastructure managers with improved abilities with which to determine the optimal maintenance and development interventions on infrastructure. Their exploitation More
Using Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams to Estimate Traffic Heterogeneity
The macroscopic fundamental diagram provides insights on traffic flow at a macroscopic level. Given its elegance, it has become a popular tool to analyse various traffic-related problems. We show that the MFD can also be used to estimate the level of heterogeneity in a network, which allows city planners the More
Connecting Large Scale Transport Models and Mobility Trace Data
The proliferation of GPS technology and high speed mobile networks presents exciting opportunities for new insights into travel behaviour. With funding from the SNSF NFP75 on Big Data, a European research team headed by the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems is exploring new avenues for the integration More
Alternative Energien für Fitness- und Wellnessangebote als Beitrag zu einem nachhaltigen urbanen Lebensstil
Das Bedürfnis nach Fitness und Wellness wächst, doch es ist energieintensiv: Ein herkömmliches Fitnesscenter braucht jährlich etwa 120 000 kWh Strom. Lösungen zeigt die im August 2017 eröffnete Unit «Solare Fitness und Wellness» (SFW) im NEST, dem Forschungs- und Innovationsgebäude der Empa. Die Anlage wird ausschliesslich mit Solarenergie More
Rift – 7.5 Views on the Jordan Valley. Pamphlet 22
Asia, Africa, and Europe meet where tectonic plates pull apart. In this interval of continents lies the Jordan River Valley, a region defined as much by conflict as by confluence. This issue of Pamphlet highlights the different understandings of terrain and territory that once defined and continue to More
The New Science of Cities
Big Data for Assessing Ecosystem Services
The amount of spatial data about earth systems is growing, opening new doors to evaluate and quantify complex processes involving both humans and nature. Nature in cities is, for example, a key to economic performance and liveability. While the new technologies provide many new opportunities to understand and More