16-21 August 2021 | Application deadline PROLONGED: 1 July | Villa Cassel, 3987 Riederalp, Kanton Wallis.
Through field expeditions, keynote lectures, discussions, workshops, and exchanges with experts, participants will engage with a ‘transect’ across a continuous water landscape, from the Aletsch glacier to the Rhone valley floor. Fieldwork will be employed to document key infrastructure, such as irrigation channels, dams, and drainage systems. It will highlight specific urbanization processes and reveal larger territorial logics. The objective is to develop a spatial, empirical, and material understanding of alpine water landscapes.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete, Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design, ETH Zurich; Paola Vigano, Laboratory of Urbanism (LAB-U), EPFL.
For more information, please contact the organizing committee (doctoral researchers): Nicole de Lalouvière (ETH Zurich), Rune Frandsen (ETH Zurich), Sarem Sunderland (ETH Zurich), Sylvie Tram Nguyen (EPFL)