Newsletter Ausgabe: NL 45
Worlds of Planetary Urbanization
Vollzug der haushälterischen Bodennutzung in der Schweiz
Digital Landscape Architecture Conference DLA 2020
3–4 June 2020 | online | Registration until 29 May. Due to the current situation, the Digital Landscape Architecture Conference DLA 2020 will take place online from June 3-4 2020. Furthermore, the registration for the conference is for free. If you are interested in recent developments in 3D landscape Continua
Moving towards integrating soil into spatial planning: No net loss of soil-based ecosystem services
Degradation of ecosystems and the related loss of ecosystem services have called for new policies to achieve no net loss (NNL) of or even net gain between detrimental environmental impacts and restoration or preservation measures. While biodiversity offsetting has a long tradition, soils have rarely been considered in the Continua
Lost in Paradise. A Journey trough the Persian Landscape
Gärten haben im Laufe der Geschichte eine schwer zu fassende Faszination hervorgerufen. Mystische Schönheit und ein poetisches Gefühl für ewige Sehnsucht sind der langen Tradition des Persischen Gartens zu eigen. Lost in Paradise bietet verschiedene Interpretationen des ummauerten Gartens und zielt darauf ab, zeitgenössische Ereignisse mit dem rätselhaften Begriff Continua
Der Kosmos des Entwerfens. Untersuchungen zum entwerfenden Denken | The Cosmos of Design. Exploring the Designer’s Mind
The role of information availability to passengers in public transport disruptions: An agent-based simulation approach
In public transport disruptions, a key relation between the services of operating company and passengers’ satisfaction is the disseminated information. This paper proposes rigorous mathematical descriptions to describe the effects of information availability to passengers, including the user equilibrium and non-equilibrium solutions.
Cultural Laboratory Seoul. Emergence, Narrative and Impact of Culturally Related Landscape Meanings
This dissertation project examines the emergence, narrative, and translation of traditional landscape meanings in contemporary landscape architecture projects. It uncovers a complex web of meanings, ideologies, and conflicts grounded upon different cultural and historical interpretations. On this basis, the dissertation argues for a mediating approach in landscape architecture Continua
disP 56/1, März 2020
disP 55/4, Dezember 2019
SRF Kultur: Publikation «Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat». Die Sammlung als Werkzeug
Ein regelrechtes Kuriositätenkabinett hat der Landschaftsarchitekt Günther Vogt gesammelt, ein Puzzle der Welt, die er in seinem Buch Mutation und Morphose entfaltet. «Das Sammeln ist eine Möglichkeit, sich die Welt zu erklären», schreibt der Landschaftsarchitekt Günther Vogt darin. In diesem wuchtigen Buch gibt er Einblick in die kollektive Entwurfsarbeit Continua
18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting: Urban planning and policy-making with/without/against national states
From Collective Learning to Collective Action. Where Social Psychology and Design Thinking Meet
Spatial design is often confronted with an immense diversity of transformation processes. As a designer it is often difficult to fully acknowledge this immanent complexity and find a position to intervene. How can we answer questions as ‘With whom do I collaborate? How does personal transformation play a Continua
Caring for Diversity. Local Practices of Countering Exclusion in Urban Housing
Access to and the safeguarding of suitable and affordable housing is difficult for disadvantaged groups in Swiss cities as such groups often include people with few professional qualifications, various kinds of handicaps, and few financial resources. Among them are migrants and refugees, elderly people, and the «working poor», Continua
Eine Zürcher Karte der Raumqualität aus Sicht der Bevölkerung – machen Sie mit?
Wie nehmen wir unseren Lebensraum wahr? Wie erleben wir die Atmosphäre eines Ortes, wo fühlen wir uns sicher, wo fühlen wir uns gut? Diese Fragen werden umso wichtiger, je mehr Menschen in städtischen Gebieten leben. Ziel von Streetwise ist es, das Wissen und die Betroffenheit der Bevölkerung für Continua
Mobility Behaviour in Switzerland: Coronavirus Study
45 | Mai 2020: Partizipation I / Participation I
Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser Das Jahr 2020 schafft Partizipationen. Und zwar dermassen viele, dass wir mit diesem Thema gleich diesen und den nächsten NSL NewSLetter füllen. Menschen beantworten die Fragen von Architekten und Planerinnen, das neue Jahrzehnt bringt neue Herangehensweisen. Wir hoffen, unsere Artikel inspirieren Sie zum mitmachen!
Co-creating Public Lighting Technology and Policy for Informal Settlements
The transdisciplinary research project «Virtual Environments as a Decision-making Tool for Public Lighting in Bogotá» focuses on lighting technology and its performance in Bogotá’s densifying urban environments. New lighting approaches are co-created together with informal settlement dwellers and tested with Colombian policy-makers through a Virtual Environment.
Participatory Land-use Modelling to Accelerate Sustainable Transformation Applying a Landscape Approach (PLUMALA)
Following the six-year r4d project «managing telecoupled landscapes», PLUS received an r4d Transformation Accelerating Grant to continue its work in northeastern Madagascar. Based on the developed land-use change scenarios, a collaborative visioning and planning will be conducted over a period of twelve months. For this project, PLUS collaborates Continua
Das NFP 70-Projekt «ENERGYSCAPE» untersuchte gesellschaftliche Präferenzen für eine Landschaftsentwicklung durch Infrastrukturen erneuerbarer Energien. Die aus den Ergebnissen abgeleiteten Empfehlungen können helfen, die landschaftliche Beurteilung von Anlagen erneuerbarer Energien aus Sicht der Bevölkerung in Landschaftsentwicklungskonzepten besser zu berücksichtigen. Ulrike Wissen Hayek, PLUS
Designing for Circularity in a Real-world context: Understanding Cooperative Benefits to Foster Individual Action for a Regenerative Economy
What are key skillsets of the next generation’s planners, designers, architects or engineers? The instrumental and social capacities to creatively cope with complexity, within ever changing environments, in a cooperative way surely are amongst them. Systemic Design Labs are ETH Innovedum financed real-world experimental courses that foster such Continua
Landscape In-Between: A River and a Backyard
Addressing the former industrial area of Acetati in Verbania (IT), on the northern Italian shore of Lago Maggiore, the project sets out to explore the ambiguous nature of contemporary residual landscapes. With an attitude of carefully collecting and radically exposing materials, flows, historical layers and traces of production, Continua
Urban Design as Commoning: Remembering the History of Participation
Under the headers of ‘collaboration’, ‘participatory design’ and ‘co-production’ participation is nowadays at the centre of the debate on urban design. Architects and urban designers are developing new concepts, tools and roles to comply with these new participatory modi operandi. However, it seems that it is sometimes forgotten Continua
ABGESAGT Belgrade Unbuilt / Negrađeni Beograd. Discovering Nature in the Era of the Anthropocene
Summer 2020, Belgrade, Serbia | 6 international design workshops on architecture and territory. Workshop 1: 21 April–25 April 2020 with Bas Princen. Workshop 2: 29 June–4 July 2020 with Momoyo Kaijima. Workshop 3–6: (tbc). A series of consecutive research and design workshops dedicated to the future of Belgrade’s Continua
Sessions on Territory – Beyond Techno-fix
ACTION! On the Real City: Filming the (un)Real City
On Mondays, 10:00–12:00 | Elective course | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA E16, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50. Lecturers: Hubert Klumpner, Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou, Michael Walczak. The course develops new forms of urban literacy in learning from the complex, real-life city.
Sociology: Memories of Zurich West
Democracy, Populism, and the Just City (Followed by a panel discussion)
The City Represented: Visions of Urban Living
Rijeka European Culture Capital 2020: Have a Seat
1 May–31 July | Exhibition | Delta 5, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. Sitting in public space is one of the essential functions of being at ease and being able to interact with other members of society. In our cities of today, we often find that sitting has lost «form Continua
Wouldn’t it be Nice if Architects Started Dreaming About Building Less
POSTPONED: Prospective Visions for Greater Geneva Region. Inhabiting the City-Landscape of the 21st Century
24 March | Inhabiting the City-Landscape of the 21st Century | Geneva. Initiated by the Braillard Architectural Foundation in October 2018, the Greater Geneva Consultation has charged seven interdisciplinary teams to rethink the cross-border metropolis to respond to the challenges of the ecological transition.
CANCELLED: Fábrica de Cultura: BAQ Inauguration
16 March, 18:00 | BAQ Fabrica de Cultura, Barranquilla, Colombia. With guests including Ambassador Raymond Furrer (SECO), this event will inaugurate the newest building emerging from the research of the Klumpner Chair – the Fábrica de Cultura: BAQ, in Barranquilla, Colombia.
CANCELLED: Olafur Eliasson
Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture: Sibyl Moholy-Nagy
5 March, 18:00 | Launch Book Series | Rote Hölle, HIL, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg With Prof. Hilde Heynen (KU Leuven). With this series, the commissioning editors, Tom Avermaete and Janina Gosseye, aim to develop a more comprehensive historiography of the modern movement by bringing to light the work Continua