12.10.-6.12., 18:30-19:30 | ETH Zürich, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, Design in Dialog Lab & L200, Langstr. 200, Zürich.
The LUS Talks is a public lecture series, which addresses critical questions in the field of landscape and urban studies.
This year, we examine the relationship between place and displacement by bringing together perspectives from anthropology, geography, art, landscape architecture, and architecture. We ask; how can design practice and theory work unsettle dominant patterns of extraction and material flows? The LUS Talks are curated by Luke Harris, Stefan Laxness, and Jacopo Zani and are followed by an apero.
- 12 October: Prof. Jane Hutton, University of Waterloo, Canada.
- 31 October: Prof. Kasia Paprocki & Prof. Nikhil Anand, London School of Economics & University of Pennsylvania
(jointly hosted with the Chair for the History of the Anthropocene, University of Zurich) (place tbd). - 9 November: Lara Almarcegui, artist, Netherlands.
- 16 November: GRADOSCOPE, urban collaborative practice, Bulgaria.
- 6 December: Prof. Bettina Stoetzer, MIT, USA.
Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies,
Further information.