LUS Methodology Seminar, Spring Semester 2023. Fridays, 11:45-13:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL E 67.
24.02 Introduction – Writing in the Anthropocene Nitin Bathla
03.03 Botanical City, Sandra Jasper
10.03 Histories of Settlement workshop, Hollyamber Kennedy & Anooradha Siddiqi
17.03 Landscapes in deep time: Nuclear Waste and the Swiss Alps, Rony Emmenegger
31.03 Landscapes of the empire, Hollyamber Kennedy
21.04 Territories of Swiss Colonialism, Denise Bertschi
28.04 A guided walk through the multispecies landscape of Zurich, Flurina Gardin
05.05 Geological Filmmaking, Laura Coppens
12.05 Landscapes of fossil capitalism, Giulia Scotto
19.05 LUS Doctoral Crits
Contact: Nitin Bathla
Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)
Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS)