Stephen Cairns and Devisari Tunas
This second volume in the Indicia series focuses on the tools, methods and approaches needed for research on future cities. Following Marshall McLuhan’s famous provocation, we focus less on the ‘message’ and more on the ‘medium’ of research. This involves retreating from research contents—the topics, themes, questions, hypotheses, insights, ideas, concepts and thoughts—for the moment to consider the materials, methods, tools, techniques and approaches that support them.
This change in perspective reveals a rich array of research approaches that include: the visual documentation of complex stakeholder interests, political and economic circumstances in built form and design vision; two- and three-dimensional mapping of vegetation, temperature and humidity, in conjunction with point cloud terrestrial and airborne laser-scanning technology; gathering data from sensors and geospatial data; emergence of ‘solution spaces’ and multi-dimensional complexity science; subject oriented approaches to behavioural and cognitive decision making in city navigation; and approaches to emergent phenomena such as extended urbanisation that are not always visible to existing analytical or documentary lenses.
Publisher: Lars Mueller Publisher
Distributor: NUS Press
Editors: Stephen Cairns and Devisari Tunas