Sweating for a cooler Singapore

Students from the Institute of Landscape Architecture, chair of Christophe Girot, are planning some natural ways to cool the heat-afflicted metropolis of Singapore. Their testing ground is a disused railway line reclaimed by nature and converted into a tropical recreation area. This article was published in the ETH News.

Material Culture. Assembling and Disassembling Landscapes

Landscript 5 examines Material Culture in landscape architecture theory and design. Designed landscapes are temporal assemblages of extant and introduced materials, constructed and maintained through the efforts of human labor, mediated through non-human forces, and shaped by constantly changing cultural relations. Sites are bounded by property lines, yet Continua

Schmelzende Landschaften

Link zur Filmaufnahme NSL Kolloquium: 16. Mai 2018, Semper-Aula, HG G 60, ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich. Ausstellung: 14. bis 18. Mai 2018, Haupthalle, ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich.