9 October, 14:00–16:00 | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL D 75.1 | By registration only.
This methodological workshop discusses how the historiography of the city could be articulated through the lens of citizen action and common resources. What sets of collective actors, both organized or informal, emerge as alternative topics of research? What methodological challenges arise from their study? How do we identify and characterize the urban and architectural agencies of activist groups and individuals engaged in immaterial, ephemeral and partial operations? And how do we piece together histories of the commons as histories of resistance?
The workshop requires advance registration for a maximum of 20 participants.
Convened by Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete and Dr. Irina Davidovici.
Discussants: Prof. Anette Baldauf (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), Prof. Stavros Stavrides (NTU Athens).
Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta)
Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete