Mehr Wohnraum, aber für wen?

6. Juni 2023, 17.30 | Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zürich. Bauen ist das Gebot der Stunde, um dem aktuellen Wohnungsmangel zu begegnen und Verdichtung zu fördern. Neueste Studien über den Kanton Zürich zeigen jedoch, dass der aktuelle Wohnungsbau vulnerable Menschen verdrängt.

Crises hold chances. We are finding ourselves in times of deep, nested, and accelerating ecological, social, cultural, political, economic, and personal crises. This dynamic situation is highly complex and uncertain, unpredictable, and even chaotic. Yet within chaos is creativity, and creativity leads to chances for renewal.


Actors, Arenas and Aims: A Conceptual Framework for Public Participation

This paper systematises knowledge of public participation by bringing together existing concepts and theories from planning literature to conceptualise the 3A3-framework of participation. The framework presents participation as an emergent phenomenon, shaped by the dimensions: actors, arenas and aims. Each of these dimensions consists of three interacting elements. More