NSL Colloquium: Re-Thinking the 21st Century City
Date: To be defined. As part of the series of NSL Colloquiua, this event will bring together practitioners from the fields of architecture and urban design with a special emphasis on the most pressing issues for cities in the 21st century. Through talks and open discussions, this event Mehr
NSL Kolloquium Schmelzende Landschaften: Der Film ist online!
Wer das NSL Kolloquium Schmelzende Landschaften verpasst hat, kann sich dieses nun online ansehen. Im Kolloquium treten künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Positionen zu alpinen Gletschern in Dialog. Was vereint künstlerische Fotografie mit glaziologischer Messung? Mit welchen Mitteln lässt sich auf den Gletscherschwund aufmerksam machen? Fotografen, Klangkünstlerinnen, Glaziologen und Kulturwissenschaftlerinnen Mehr
To Exploit Big Data for the Management of Infrastructure
The management of infrastructure involves estimating how infrastructure is likely to deteriorate and how demands infrastructure change over time. Increasing amounts of data and increasing modelling capabilities are providing infrastructure managers with improved abilities with which to determine the optimal maintenance and development interventions on infrastructure. Their exploitation Mehr
Using Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams to Estimate Traffic Heterogeneity
The macroscopic fundamental diagram provides insights on traffic flow at a macroscopic level. Given its elegance, it has become a popular tool to analyse various traffic-related problems. We show that the MFD can also be used to estimate the level of heterogeneity in a network, which allows city planners the Mehr
Connecting Large Scale Transport Models and Mobility Trace Data
The proliferation of GPS technology and high speed mobile networks presents exciting opportunities for new insights into travel behaviour. With funding from the SNSF NFP75 on Big Data, a European research team headed by the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems is exploring new avenues for the integration Mehr
Alternative Energien für Fitness- und Wellnessangebote als Beitrag zu einem nachhaltigen urbanen Lebensstil
Das Bedürfnis nach Fitness und Wellness wächst, doch es ist energieintensiv: Ein herkömmliches Fitnesscenter braucht jährlich etwa 120 000 kWh Strom. Lösungen zeigt die im August 2017 eröffnete Unit «Solare Fitness und Wellness» (SFW) im NEST, dem Forschungs- und Innovationsgebäude der Empa. Die Anlage wird ausschliesslich mit Solarenergie Mehr
The New Science of Cities
Designing, planning and managing responsible urbanisation pathways for the many millions of current and future city dwellers is one of the great challenges of our age. What will be the role of the burgeoning science of cities in addressing this challenge?
Big Data for Assessing Ecosystem Services
The amount of spatial data about earth systems is growing, opening new doors to evaluate and quantify complex processes involving both humans and nature. Nature in cities is, for example, a key to economic performance and liveability. While the new technologies provide many new opportunities to understand and Mehr
Prof. Günther Vogt erhält den Ehrendoktortitel der Universität Liechtenstein
Im Rahmen des Tags der Universität – Dies Academicus wurde Prof. Günther Vogt der Ehrendoktortitel der Universität Liechtenstein verliehen. Mit der Vergabe des Titels würdigt die Universität Persönlichkeiten und ihre herausragenden Leistungen in Wissenschaft und Lehre.
Ein Planer mit Herz für die Schweizer Demokratie
Als Raumplaner hat sich Bernd Scholl ein Berufsleben lang mit der Zukunft von Räumen befasst. Seine Suche nach umfassenden Lösungen für Verkehr, Siedlung und Landschaft hat ihn zu einem überzeugten Anhänger der direkten Schweizer Demokratie gemacht. Porträt eines passionierten Raumentwicklers. Artikel in den ETH News
Experimenting with city streets. The role of real-life experiments in understanding and changing urban mobility.
23 May 2018, 15:00 – 16:00 | IVT Seminar
The 300 Mile City: In search for thirdspaces and para-sites
Thursday, 17 May, 12:30 – 14:00 | Brown Bag Lunch | HIT J51
EPFL/ETH Zurich Summer School «Relational Space / Relational Urbanism»
Applications until 10 May (EXTENDED DEADLINE). 11th – 15th June 2018 | EPFL Campus.
Current Challenges for Logistics
You missed this NSL colloquium on 14 May? The film recording is now online! Logistics and mobility of goods is facing relevant substantial challenges, which are mostly invisible to users, differently from the challenges of personal mobility, such as delays, traffic jams, etc, which we witness daily. This Mehr
disP 54/1, March 2018
disP – The Planning Review, Volume 54, Issue 1, March 2018 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online.
Brown Bag Lunch 2018
Monthly Seminars | 29th March: 12.30 – 14:00: Theresa Kotulla, Soziale Wohnraumförderung, Untersuchung der Weiterentwicklung des geförderten Wohnungsbaus in Deutschland
New Project «Assessing Singapore’s Natural Capital» for More Informed and Sustainable Urban Land Planning Decisions
This three-year research project aims at incorporating the environment into holistic, national-scale planning by calculating the economic benefits from environmental assets (termed natural capital). It will contribute to more informed and sustainable urban land planning decisions, in partnership with government stakeholders. Existing methods are not readily applicable to tropical nations Mehr
Future of Urban Transportation: Flying Cars
Soon when crossing the street we might need to also look towards the sky! Researchers and practitioners alike are starting to invest resources into the investigation of potential impacts of flying car systems on the transportation. Will the flying car help reduce congestion on roads? Will it bring Mehr
Territories of Extended Urbanisation
A workshop with leading scholars and researchers on territories of extended urbanisation and a research trip to the three adjoining cities Johor Bahru, Singapore and Batam: two undertakings to develop a thorough understanding of extended urbanization and rethink inherited cartographies of the urban.
Schweizer Planungsmethoden exportieren? Ein geglücktes Gedankenexperiment
Wie würde London aussehen, wenn kollabroative Schweizer Planungspraxis anstelle von rein investitionslogischen Kriterien angewendet würden? Dieses Gedankenexperiment trieb Simon Kretz, Oberassistent und Dozent am Lehrstuhl für Städtebau und den englischen Architekten David Chipperfield so an, dass sie dazu die Publikation «On Planning – A Thought Experiment» herausgaben. Hier Mehr
Management des öffentlichen Verkehrs für Grossveranstaltungen
29. März, 11:00–12:00 Uhr | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL F36.1
Empower Integrated Research. Preferential City Making
The Empower project uses applied design research and organizational models to address the current deficit in urban land readjustment through the development, implementation and evaluation of 42 housing units and integrated urban systems. The research is conducted under the tracks: (A) Land Readjustment methodology, (B) Stakeholder Relationship Arrangements Mehr
Educate Global, Teach Local
In an increasingly interconnected world, the question of how to adequately prepare prospective architects, urban designers and planners for an international working environment is a crucial topic. The practitioners’ challenging tasks not only include how to appropriately engage with particular conditions on the ground, but usually ask to Mehr
Tensions in Participatory Work in Countries of the Global South
By working in a participatory manner, we aim at increasing trust, credibility, and acceptance of research results, plans, and concrete measures, but also at the self-determination of concerned actors in strategy development processes. This holds true for such processes in both foreign and domestic contexts. In foreign contexts Mehr
Digitalization of Transport Systems | Transport Systems in the Digital Revolution
Registration until 22 March | IVT–Seminar, workshop and inaugural lecture Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman | 28 March 2018 | ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zurich
DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Ab Oktober 2018 | Anmeldung bis 4 Wochen vor Kursbeginn Das DAS in Verkehrsingenieurwesen befasst sich mit der Planung und dem Betrieb von Verkehrssystemen sowie der Verkehrsmodellierung und der Verkehrsplanung im Allgemeinen. Es stellt den Studierenden die neuesten Methoden und Ansätze zur Verfügung, mit denen sie die aktuellen Mehr
The City Through The Lens: Experimental Documentary Film Series
Film Series | On Thursdays 18:00– 19:00 | ETH Zurich Oerlikon, ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zurich
Urban Design I/II – Urban Stories
Lecture Course | On Thursdays, 08:00– 09:30 | ETH Zurich Oerlikon, ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zurich
ACTION! On the Real City – Record, Edit: Langstrasse
Elective Course | On Mondays, 10:00–12:00 | ETH Zurich Oerlikon, ONA E16 Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zurich
Sessions on Territory – Urbanism Beyond Neoliberalism: Project
Elective Course | 5 Sessions on selected Mondays, 16:00–18:00 | ETH Zurich Oerlikon, ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, Zurich
Vor der Gentrification? Feldstudie der Rosengartenstrasse in Zürich Wipkingen
Wahlfach | Ab 23. Februar freitags, 12:45–14:30 | ETH Zürich Hönggerberg
Städtebau II / Entwurf und Strategie im urbanen Raum II
Ab 22. Februar donnerstags, 08:00–09:45 ETH Zürich Hönggerberg , HCI G3
Unpacking the City, Rolling out Urbanity. Concluding Symposium Kees Christiaanse
7 June 09:00–17:00 | The Grand Projet. Understanding the Making and Impact of Urban Megaprojects 17:00–18:00 | Kees Christiaanse: Unpacking the City, Rolling Out Urbanity 8 June 09:00–17:00 | Urban Design. Research and Education
Den Lebensraum gestalten
Abschiedsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholl | 23. Mai, 17:15 | ETH Zürich, Auditorium Maximum (HG F30), Rämistrasse 101
Neue Mobilitätsinitiative lanciert
Die ETH Zürich lanciert gemeinsam mit den SBB die «ETH Mobilitäts-Initiative». Im Bereich Mobilität sollen Forschung und Lehre entscheidend ausgebaut werden, unter anderem mit neuen Professuren, wie die beiden Partner am WEF-Jahrestreffen bekanntgaben.
Exkursion: Limmattalbahn Schlieren
16. Mai 2018, 13:00–16:30 | Infopavillon Limmattalbahn Ringstrasse, Schlieren
Roberto Burle Marx, Landscape and Chromatic Relationships
Guest Lecture by Gareth Doherty | Tuesday 15 May 2018, 18:00 – 19:30 | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3. Followed by an apéro riche in the Case Studio VOGT, Stampfenbachstr. 59, Zürich.
Spatial and Infrastructure Development
Guest Lecture | 25 April 2018, 12:45–16:30 | ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, HIL E9
Menschen und ihr Zuhause: Demografische Veränderungen, technologische Innovationen & neue Märkte
ETH Forum Wohnungsbau 2018. 13. April 2018, ganztags | ETH Zürich, Auditorium Maximum (HG F30), Rämistrasse 101
Inclusive Tangier: MAS Urban Design at the Rabat Architecture Biennale Agora: ARCHITECTURE, VILLE ET CULTURE
Exhibition, 23–25 March 2018 | Rabat, Morocco
The Independent: Città Parangolé
Finissage on 25 February, 11:00–19:00 | MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo
Building on the Soviet Past. Exhibiting Photography of the Baltic States
19 February to 2 March | ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, HIL D Foyer Exhibition Opening: 19 February, 18:00 to 19:30
On Planning – A Thought Experiment
Book Launches / Buchvernissagen: 24. Mai 2018 | 09:00–09:45 | Architekturbiennale Venedig, Giardini (Rolex Pavillion) Exhibition opening «On Planning – A Thought Experiment» 24. Mai 2018 | 14:30–15:30 | Fondazione Cini, Venedig Simon Kretz and David Chipperfield: Public discussion about the publication.
Rail Transport Demand Management: Call for Abstracts
Deadline for Abstracts: 1st April, 2018 | Darmstadt, Germany | 24 – 25 October 2018
Uber und die Folgen in Chile
31. Januar 2018, 11:00-12:00 Uhr | IVT – Seminar | HIL F36.1, ETH Hönggerberg, Zürich