Department / Institute: Prof. Freek Persyn
DELUS Issue 0
Assistenzprofessur (Tenure Track) für Landschaftsarchitektur
LUS Doctoral Crits
More Than Human Cinema
LUS Talks 2023
Lively Cities
Researching Otherwise: Pluriversal Methods for Landscape and Urban Research
More Than Human Cinema: The Two Sights
Writing Urban Landscapes of the Anthropocene
Doctoral Crits of the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies LUS
Sudamérica LUS Talks
20 October 2022, 18:30 (2 December: 17:30) | ETH Zürich, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, ONA Fokushalle (E7), Zürich. This year, the LUS Talks will engage diverse perspectives from practitioners and theorists addressing South America’s complex social and ecological landscapes.
Film, Architecture, and Urban Studies
ARCH+ 249: Learning Spaces
Writing Landscapes, Writing the Urban
Kalkulieren oder co-kreieren?
Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters – doch wie finden wir einen Konsens, wenn es um ein geteiltes Gut wie die Nachbarschaft geht? Auf einem Stadtspaziergang erklären zwei Architekt:innen der ETH, wie sie ihre Rolle im Spannungsfeld von Verdichtung, Funktionalität und Schönheit wahrnehmen. Artikel im ETH Globe (online).
Rhythmic Transformations: the L200 Hybrid Space in Zurich
A centrally located hybrid community space in Zurich, at Langstrasse 200, by the name L200, is being shaped since 2018 through a co-creation process, a series of self-organization experiments with an action-oriented participatory design process. By bridging a multitude of social worlds in a small lively place, L200 Mehr
Research Methods in Landscape and Urban Studies: Towards Sensory, Creative, and Imaginative Methodologies
More than Human. Cinema
We Need to Talk About Infrastructure
51N4E, Denkstatt, Endeavour, Design in Dialogue
The second volume in the ‘Chapters’ series from Brussels-based architecture firm 51N4E focuses on how design processes can be shaped through dialogue. First, it investigates their work together with two design-focused consulting firms, endeavour (Antwerp) and Denkstatt (Basel), wherein all three explore the boundaries of architecture, advocating openness Mehr
ETH-EPFL Summer School: Transects Through Alpine Water Landscapes
The Things Around Us
16 September 2020 – 14 February 2021 | Exhibition | Canadian Centre for Architecture. Elements of the Design in Dialogue Lab of ETH’s NEWROPE Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation are exhibited at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal as part of ‘The Things Around Us’.
Rewriting Architecture 10+1 Actions: Tabula Scripta
Rewriting Architecture explores and embraces the potential of place. The book claims that the idea of ‘tabula rasa’, or creating from scratch, is no longer a viable option. It considers the quality of the existing urban and social fabric – the tabula scripta – as an inspiration, motivation Mehr
Collective Learning in Action
10/11 November | Workshop | ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, Design in Dialogue Lab & online. Spatial design is often confronted with an immense diversity of transformation processes. As a designer, it is often difficult to fully acknowledge this immanent complexity and find a position to intervene.
From Collective Learning to Collective Action. Where Social Psychology and Design Thinking Meet
Spatial design is often confronted with an immense diversity of transformation processes. As a designer it is often difficult to fully acknowledge this immanent complexity and find a position to intervene. How can we answer questions as ‘With whom do I collaborate? How does personal transformation play a Mehr
Wouldn’t it be Nice if Architects Started Dreaming About Building Less
Launch Party LUS: Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies
2019–2020 MAS ETH in Housing: Kick-off Event
One new institute replaces three others: the Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)
The Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) has been founded as part of the Department of Architecture, with the Professors Christophe Girot, Hubert Klumpner, Freek Persyn, Christian Schmid, Milica Topalovic, and Günther Vogt. It replaces the three previous Institutes for Urban Design (ISB), Landscape Architecture (ILA) and the Contemporary City Institute (CCI).
«To Realise Breakthroughs in Urban Projects is to set them up as Learning Environments»
With Freek Persyn a new and experimental way of looking at and practicing urbanism came to the NSL. We questioned him on his notion on urban transformation, on his «radical openness to learn from others», his experiences in Albania, and the new «Design in Dialogue Lab» for students Mehr
The LUS Doctoral Programme
The doctoral programme at the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS), ETH Zurich D-ARCH, is dedicated to exploring contemporary challenges in urban and environmental transformation within broader socio-cultural, political-economic, and theoretical frameworks. This programme is designed to foster critical discourse and nurture independent, innovative, and proactive research that addresses pressing social and environmental issues.
The LUS Institute engages with the production of landscape, territory, and human settlements across various scales and diverse global geographies. Key research areas include landscape and designed ecologies, energy transition, agroecology, hydrology, regenerative agriculture, adaptive infrastructures, housing, and socio-economic development with a focus on urban inequality. Geographically, the LUS Institute’s research spans Switzerland, Europe, and the broader global South.
By bringing together disciplines such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban and territorial design, and planning, as well as the social sciences, the doctoral programme at the LUS Institute adopts an inter- and transdisciplinary approach. This approach encompasses a diverse range of methodological approaches, from qualitative and quantitative research to ethnography, critical cartography, design-based action research, systems research, and urban theory.
About the Programme
The doctoral programme is conducted in English. With a current enrollment of over 25 participants, the LUS doctoral programme encourages both individual research and collaborative engagement within the doctoral community. The programme offers multiple platforms for interaction, such as the LUS methods seminar, institute-wide colloquia, workshops, and doctoral reviews. Embedded in the vibrant doctoral education environment of the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich, the LUS doctoral programme actively collaborates with the doctoral programme at the Institute of History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich. This collaboration enhances interdisciplinary perspectives and provides enriched research opportunities.
Participating Chairs at the LUS
While the proposed research should align with the individual and collective research agendas of the participating chairs at the LUS Institute, candidates are welcome to apply with an independent research topic, provided it aligns with the collective competencies of the Institute. The LUS Institute currently comprises seven chairs, each contributing to its diverse research landscape:
- Chair of History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete
- Chair of Architecture and Housing, Prof. Maria Conen
- Chair of Landscape Architecture, Prof. Dr. Teresa Galí-Izard
- Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Prof. Hubert Klumpner
- Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation, Prof. Freek Persyn
- Chair of Architecture and Territorial Planning, Prof. Milica Topalovic
- Chair of Landscape Architecture, Prof. Martina Voser
Job description
Conduct original doctoral research on an individually determined topic within the disciplines of landscape and urban studies. The fellowship places no restriction on the geography or time period of the proposed research project. You are expected to devote a small part of your time to community building activities at the LUS doctoral school and co-curate LUS Talks during the second year of your studies. See past LUS Talks here.
100% doctoral employment at the ETH standard rate, with an expected term of three-and-a-half years to completion, pending successful approval of the doctoral plan at the end of year one.
Your Profile
We are seeking individuals with a background in architecture, landscape architecture, urban and territorial design and planning, and social sciences, with strong research or design experience that can benefit from the inter- and transdisciplinary engagements offered by the institute.
You must hold a university diploma or master’s degree obtained at university level (equivalent to the FHEQ-Level 7) in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, urban planning, and social science, or related fields.
You must additionally demonstrate excellent research and writing skills.
We offer
The programme provides funding for up to three-and-a-half years, with a potential extension. You will be employed at full employment (100% pensum), based on the ETH Zurich doctoral student contract, with monthly salaries according to the ‘standard rate’. For a detailed calculation of salaries, please refer to this link.
You are required to take up residency in Zurich during the period of the scholarship. Working, teaching and research at ETH Zurich
We value diversity
In line with our values, ETH Zurich encourages an inclusive culture. We promote equality of opportunity, value diversity and nurture a working and learning environment in which the rights and dignity of all our staff and students are respected. Visit our Equal Opportunities and Diversity website to find out how we ensure a fair and open environment that allows everyone to grow and flourish.
Curious? So are we.
Applications must be addressed to the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies rather than to individual professors. Applicants must note that the application will be solely evaluated for their content and the applicants are thus requested to not contact individual professors before applying.
As soon as we announce our new call for applications (DTBD), we will publish an application timeline and look forward to receiving your online application with the following documents
- Letter of motivation (1 page).
- Outline for the Proposed Research Project (4 pages + addendums). The document should include the research title, a review of the current state-of-the-art related to the proposed topic, clearly defined research questions, articulated aims and objectives, anticipated formats for publication, and a demonstration of why the LUS Institute is an ideal host for the proposed research. The main content must adhere to a 4-page limit, utilizing 11pt. font and single-spacing. Supplementary pages may be used for up to three illustrations (maps, drawings, images), bibliography, and a project timeline.
- Curriculum vitae (including publications, portfolio, and work samples, max. 10 pages).
- Published piece of writing if available (1 text, max. 15 pages).
- Name, affiliation, and email addresses of 2 referees.
Please note that applications missing any of the documents listed above and/or exceeding specified page limits will not be considered for evaluation.
The programme exclusively accepts application documents submitted through the ETH online application portal. Applications submitted via email or postal services will not be considered.
Application Timeline
As soon as we announce our new call for applications (DTBD), we will publish an application timeline.
Further information about the programme, the participating faculty and the application process.
Applicants are requested to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before approaching the programme coordinator. Only for questions that cannot be addressed through the FAQs contact the doctoral programme coordinator Nazlı Tümerdem. Requests sent to any other email will not be considered.
Application period: 1 February 2024 – 30 April 2024. Master of Advanced Studies in Urban and Territorial Design ETH Zürich D-ARCH LUS and EPFL ENAC HRC joint master programme.