16. May 2024, 18:00- 19:30 | ETH Zürich, Campus Hönggerberg, HIL E67 / Red Hell

The VELUX DAYLIGHT Award honors and supports daylight research and daylight in architecture. It acknowledges and encourages scientific knowledge and practical application of daylight, which interlink disciplines that are usually addressed in separated, monocultural spheres, professional circles or practices.
The Daylight Award strives to raise a holistic understanding of daylight, and increase its positive impact on life.

This years Award Ceremony will be transmitted live from Copenhagen in a public viewing in presence of representatives from the VELUX FOUNDATION office in Zurich.
ETHZ Prof. Emeritus Gerd Folkers will welcome us from Copenhagen along with his fellow Jury members including Dorte Mandrup, Iwan Baan, and other notable friends and colleagues.


Prof. Hubert Klumpner, Prof. Arno Schlueter from ITA