Newsletter Ausgabe : NL 61
disP 59/4, December 2023
Globale Modellierung des ländlichen Strassenverkehrs ausserhalb der Städte
Der Verkehr auf ländlichen Strassen ausserhalb der Städte kann erhebliche negative Auswirkungen auf die Ökologie und Umwelt von Natur- und Agrarlandschaften haben. Der Umfang dieser Auswirkungen kann jedoch nicht bestimmt werden, da in vielen Ländern keine Daten zum Verkehrsvolumen auf ländlichen Strassen verfügbar sind. Deshalb haben wir einen Plus
Master of Science in Landscape Architecture
Applications until 30 April for autumn 2024. The Master‘s degree programme in Landscape Architecture is aimed at students with a Bachelor‘s degree in architecture or landscape architecture from a university or Swiss University of Applied Sciences with at least 180 ECTS or equivalent.
Explainable Train Delay Propagation: A Graph Attention Network Approach
Time-to-Green Predictions for Fully-Actuated Signal Control Systems With Supervised Learning
Maintenance and Advanced Analytics in Railways
On-Board Monitoring techniques, defined as using commercial trains to monitor the track status, have garnered much attention recently. While data come in relatively low quality, OBM is a low-cost and efficient alternative to traditional monitoring methods. Thus, funded by the ETH Mobility Initiative project OMISM, this study checks Plus
61 | März 2024: Mobility and Transport Infrastructure
Sehr geehrte Lesende Mobilität und Transport-Infrastruktur begegnet uns jeden Tag. Wir stellen uns die Zukunft velozentriert vor, finden eine Revolution im Bahnverkehr sei unwahrscheinlich und testen den Stress, den auch Transportsysteme manchmal haben. Wir wünschen viel informatives Lesevergnügen!
Public Support for Participation in Local Development
Damian Jerjen named «Professor of Practice»
Damian Jerjen is currently Director of the Swiss association for spatial planning EspaceSuisse and Lecturer at ETH Zurich and other Swiss universities. He is an economist and spatial planner. He serves on various bodies, including the Council for Spatial Planning (ROR). At EspaceSuisse, he supports and brings together Plus
News from Regenerative Materials at ETH
How Will the Railway Look Like in 2050?
Envisioning a Cycling-centric Future: Urban Traffic Modeling and Management for a Bi-modal Network
Allocating dedicated road space to slow modes is considered an effective way toward a radical modal shift. By exploiting traffic flow theoretical knowledge, convenient models can be developed to help evaluate the influence of such a large-scale transformation on network traffic performance. Novel strategies for bi-modal urban traffic Plus
Stress Testing Transport Systems
Transportation systems are vital for economic and social development, yet are susceptible to disruptions caused by natural hazards, especially considering the adverse impacts of climate change on increasing the intensity of frequency of climatic hazards. To manage these risks effectively, stress testing, as a diagnostic tool, has shown Plus
CAS ETH in Zukunft der Raumentwicklung
10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften – Eine Tour rund um den Idaplatz
MEHR WOHNRAUM IN STÄDTEN – Wie gelingt die innere Verdichtung?
ETH STUDIO BASEL Open Access: Public Launch
Abschlussvorlesung / Final Lecture Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid: No Condition is Permanent
Neue Ansätze in der Modellierung: «The German experiment with low flat rates for public transport. An economic and political evaluation»
2 + 2 + 1 A Collective Discussion on the Role of Landscape Architecture
100 Ideas for the Western Balkans: Designing Urban Imaginaries
Sessions on Territory – Climate Anxiety and Mobilizing in Crisis: CLIMATE
MAS ETH in Regenerative Systems
Identifying levers of urban neighbourhood transformation using serious games
Growing urban population and contemporary urban systems lock-in unsustainable urban development pathways, deteriorating the living quality of urban dwellers. The systemic complexity of these challenges renders it difficult to find solutions using existing planning processes.
disP 59/3, September 2023
NSL Colloquium: Beyond Maintenance: Responsive Practices for Changing Landscapes
26. – 28. February 2025, ETH Zürich Hönggerberg and Zentrum. The colloquium will investigate the relationship between the design and maintenance of living systems, seeking to cultivate practices, terminology, and theoretical insights into approaches that attempt to maintain otherwise.