7 June
09:00–17:00 | The Grand Projet. Understanding the Making and Impact of Urban Megaprojects
17:00–18:00 | Kees Christiaanse: Unpacking the City, Rolling Out Urbanity
8 June
09:00–17:00 | Urban Design. Research and Education
On behalf of Prof. Kees Christiaanse’s retirement, this symposium brings together dozens of acclaimed urban designers. On the first day, the Future Cities Laboratory «The Grand Projet» research project will be discussed, while on the second day, twenty professors and researchers related to his academic career will debate the future of urban design in research and teaching in academic contexts.
ONA E 7 «Focushalle», Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, 8050 Zürich
Institute for Urban Design, Chair Kees Christiaanse