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«Agency» lässt sich nicht mit einem Begriff ins Deutsche übersetzen, es wird «Agentur», «Vertretung», «Vermittlung» oder auch der englische Begriff «Agency» selbst verwendet und kann in Richtung «Selbst-Bewusstsein», «Fähigkeit» oder gemeinschaftliche Aktionen gehen. Diese Diversität finden Sie in diesem Newsletter wieder.
In diesem Sinne: viel informatives Lesevergnügen!
Dr. Cathelijne Nuijsink & Dr. Léa-Catherine Szacka | chair Tom Avermaete, History and Theory of Urban Design
This seminar follows the work and life of a series of «female professionals» (architects, politicians, urban designers, journalists, editors, curators, philanthropists, etc.) in the post-war era who started to critically engage in discussions on urban design and actively contribute to the design of cities. By fully acknowledging the contributions of these female protagonists as both an inspiration source and as designers, this seminar sets out to make a correction to the existing, male-dominated histories and theories of urban design.
History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete is an open repository for the chair’s education, research, and publication activities. Next to the chair’s Instagram account, the website informs and inspires students and professionals using graphic material and represents each team member. The website also contains a virtual exhibition space on, for example, the student work on the ‘Urban elements’ and the the SESC exhibition in Sao Paolo/Zurich.
Dr. Micheal Walczak, Dr. David Kretzer, Dr. Stephanie Briers | Architecture and Urban Design, Prof. Hubert Klumpner
The Urban Research Incubator at ISTP, researching public lighting, segregation, and security in two cities of the Global South (Cape Town and Bogota) created an interactive multi-user platform, making their research, policy briefs, and multimedia and immersive content more available. In doing so, they continue to engage in a transdisciplinary dialogue with a broad group of actors, furthering their vision of policy relevant urban research rooted in real societal challenges.
29. März 2022, 18–19.30 Uhr | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIT H 13, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27.
11 April 2022 | Exhibition | work and event space «Urban Design Studio Sarajevo», Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Prof. David Kaufmann, Dr. Markus Nollert, PD Joris Van Wezemael | Raum- und Landschaftsenwicklung
Politik und Planung | Raum und Technologie | Design und Raumplanung
5 May 2022, 12:45 – 15:30 | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA E 25.
Lecturers: François Léger, Researcher, AgroParisTech & Prof. Teresa Gali-Izard.
6 May 2022, registration deadline 15. April 2022, 08:00 | Kick-off Symposium | ETH Zürich, Centre, HG E3.
The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) has been established at ETH Zurich in order to promote research on sustainable and future-proof traffic and transport systems.
Symposium, 12 and 13 May 2022.
Public event, registration until 29 April 2022.
Research workshops, round tables and keynote.
Climate change, energy transition, urbanization, and industrialization have and will have tremendous effects on the Alpine landscape. Located at the crossroads of Europe, the transformations of this fragile environment need to be questioned.
30. November 2022, 18:00-20:00 | Ort: ETH Zürich, Zentrum, LEE D 101.
Welche Lehren ziehen wir aus der Covid-Krise als Feldversuch für eine nachhaltigere Stadtlandschaft Schweiz?
24 to 26 June 2022 | Old Botanical Garden, Zurich (festival centre).
The interdisciplinary symposium and sound festival «Sonic Topologies» explores the relationship between place, sound, and knowledge. Researchers, architects, and artists develop site-specific sonic contributions at different locations in the city of Zurich, which explore the acoustic, ecological, social, or historical characteristics of each place.
Ohne Gehen, Sitzen und Schauen gibt es keine Landschaft. Diese einfachen, grundlegenden Handlungen prägen unsere Beziehung zur Umgebung – und die Umgebung selbst.
10./17./24./31. Mai, jeweils 17:30 – 19:00 Uhr, danach Apéro | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg.
Starting 24 February 2022 on Thursdays, 10:00 – 12:00 | Methodology Seminar | ETH Zürich, Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, ONA Design in Dialogue Lab.
9 March, 5 April, 3 May 2022 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIT 31.1.
1. März bis 24. Mai 2022 | «Fotografie, Video und Diskurs – visuelle Forschung zu Wohnen, Stadt und Architektur» | Vor Ort und per Zoom.
Spring 2022 | Lecture series | Online via Zoom.
Selected Thursdays 2022, 15:45 – 17:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HPT C 103.
Isabelle Fehlmann, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Landschaftsarchitektur
Bojana Papic, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Städtebau
Claudia Gebert, Koordinationsstelle NSL, Chefredaktion
Maarten Van Strien, Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL)
Jan Westerheide, Institut für Landschaft und Urbane Studien (LUS), Städtebau
Caroline Winkler, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT)