Department / Institute : Prof. Dr Marc Angélil
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Herbstsemester 2008
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Frühjahrssemester 2008
NSL Veranstaltungsplakat Herbstsemester 2007
27.11.2019, 14.30–16.00 | ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon). In conversation with Marc Angélil, Arno Brandlhuber, Charlotte Malterre Barthes, and Milica Topalović. KELLER EASTERLING is an architect, professor at Yale, and one of the most eloquent theorists of architecture and design. In ‘Medium Design’ (Strelka Press, 2018) Easterling argues that design tools are often inadequate to Plus
Der Stadtschreiber
Marc Angélil hat die Architekturlehre an der ETH entscheidend mitgeprägt, sowohl als Professor wie auch als Vorsteher des Departements. Seit Jahren forscht er zu politischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Treibern der globalen Verstädterung. Im Rahmen seiner Emeritierung wirft er nochmals einen kritischen Blick auf aktuelle Urbanisierungstrends. Gespräch mit Prof. Plus
Terrestrial Tales: 100+ Takes on Earth
Tales of Territory: Anthropocene, Urbicene, Capitalocene
The Grand Projet, Understanding the Making and Impact of Urban Megaprojects
25 September 2019, 18:00-19:00 | The Grand Projet Book Launch & Exhibition Opening | ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude, im Lichthof, Erdgeschoss (HG E Nord), Rämistrasse 101, Zürich | exhibition open 25.9. to 4.10.2019. At this book launch and exhibition opening, The Grand Projet team at the ETH-Future Cities Laboratory presents the Plus
Future Cities: Actions
24-25 September 2019 | Zurich. The FCL conference ‘Future Cities: Actions’ will feature outcomes of research conducted at the Future Cities Laboratory since 2015, when the second phase of the programme began. In particular, the conference will focus on actions and FCL’s contribution to sustainable future cities.
One new institute replaces three others: the Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)
The Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) has been founded as part of the Department of Architecture, with the Professors Christophe Girot, Hubert Klumpner, Freek Persyn, Christian Schmid, Milica Topalovic, and Günther Vogt. It replaces the three previous Institutes for Urban Design (ISB), Landscape Architecture (ILA) and the Contemporary City Institute (CCI).
The Political Economy of Urban and Territorial Form: An Interview with Marc Angélil after 25 Years at the ETH Zurich
Marc Angélil’s stance for multidisciplinarity influenced the research of his chair, his message to the students, and his award-winning publications. After more than two decades at the ETH Zurich and thus at the NSL, he will be emeritus. Sascha Delz interviewed the searcher for the essence of urbanism Plus
Future Cities Laboratory Indicia 02
This second volume in the Indicia series focuses on the tools, methods and approaches needed for research on future cities. Following Marshall McLuhan’s famous provocation, we focus less on the ‘message’ and more on the ‘medium’ of research. This involves retreating from research contents—the topics, themes, questions, hypotheses, Plus
Mirroring Effects: Tales of Territory
Book launch, Monday 6 May 2019, 16:00 | ONA, Fokushalle, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, Zürich. With Marc Angélil, Cary Siress, and Hans Frei. Mirroring Effects, written by Marc Angélil and Cary Siress, analyses political and economic practices concerning environment-making in the contemporary world. The presented case studies unfold as real-life tales Plus
Sessions on Territory – Urbanism and the Anthropocene: Ecology
5 Sessions on selected Mondays, 16:00–18:00. ETH Zurich, Oerlikon, ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50. Sessions on Territory is a series of public debates on the political economy of architecture and territory. Focusing on how the epoch of the Anthropocene reframes our conceptions of the urban and shapes new Plus
Mariam Kamara, Francis Kéré, Anne Lacaton, Marc Angélil
Towards an Integrative Approach to Spatial Transformation
Addressing Contextual and Spatial Indifference in Design, Urban Planning and International Cooperation: A Case Study from Ethiopia This chapter draws from the author’s research on recent urbanisation processes in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, and its hinterland. It addresses two aspects that are often neglected but crucial when discussing Plus
111 BUNKER. Entdecke das verborgene Zürich!
Ausstellung im ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich, 17.11.18 – 28.02.19. Vernissage am 16. November, 18:00 Uhr. Das Zentrum Architektur Zürich lädt Sie ein, Zürich neu kennenzulernen. Die Ausstellung wirft einen Blick auf das Zürich von 1939 nach dem Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs und zeigt Ihnen, welche Spuren dieser Zeit noch Plus
Master of Advanced Studies ETH Urban Design 2019/20
Sessions on Territory – Urbanism and the Anthropocene: Ecology
Lecture Series: 6 Sessions on selected Mondays, 16:00–18:00 | ETH Zurich Oerlikon, ONA Focushalle E7, Neunbrunnenstr. 50. Sessions on Territory is a series of public debates on the political economy of architecture and territory. Focusing on how the epoch of the Anthropocene reframes our conceptions of the urban and shapes new ecologies, the Plus
La ville normale
Notre espace vital est défini par des normes et des standards. Les espaces dans lesquels nous travaillons, achetons, nous déplaçons et nous divertissons reposent sur eux. Ils nous permettent de définir les principes d’organisation des espaces qui doivent contribuer à offrir un cadre optimal à chaque utilisation spécifique. Plus
Educate Global, Teach Local
In an increasingly interconnected world, the question of how to adequately prepare prospective architects, urban designers and planners for an international working environment is a crucial topic. The practitioners’ challenging tasks not only include how to appropriately engage with particular conditions on the ground, but usually ask to Plus
Master of Advanced Studies ETH Urban Design 2018/2019
Sessions on Territory – Urbanism Beyond Neoliberalism: Project
Inclusive Marseille: MAS Urban Design
Inclusive Tangier: MAS Urban Design at the Rabat Architecture Biennale Agora: ARCHITECTURE, VILLE ET CULTURE
The Visible and the Intensive World Egypt, Landscapes and Territories
In: PhotoResearcher, No. 28/2017. Vienna: European Society for the History of Photography. S. 68–83. Download A discussion about the relationship between photography and territorial research. Does photography have the status of a document, or does it have a «projective» status of its own? How is it possible to Plus
Accueil de la Co-op
Le projet de recherche bilatérale « Production coopérative d’habitat à loyer modéré – innovation socio-technologique pour l’offre de logements destinés aux populations à faibles revenus » étudie les précédentes et actuelles pratiques de production d’habitat abordable en vue de détecter le potentiel de transformation du développement urbain basé sur des Plus
Manipulative Iconographies of Nile Dams: The Political Image
In: PhotoResearcher, No.28/2017. Vienna: European Society for the History of Photography. S. 30–35. Images of hydro-infrastructures and their inaugurations served various purposes. From asserting power over natural resources by colonial powers, to establishing the image of a self-sustaining nation and presenting dams as nation-building and political leverage tools, Plus
Co-operatives: Putting People at the Centre of Development
Related to the project Housing the Co-op, the research team at the chair of Prof. Marc Angélil hosted a session at the Global Conference of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). It aimed at highlighting the enormous potential that housing co-operatives can have for the key challenges of inclusive Plus
Sessions on Territory – Urbanism Beyond Neoliberalism: Power
5 Sessions on selected Mondays, Autumn 2017, 16:00 – 18:00 h | Elective Course Place: ETH Zurich, Oerlikon | ONA Focushalle E7 | Neunbrunnenstr. 50, 8050 Zurich «Sessions on Territory» is a new series of public debates on the political economy of architecture and territory within and beyond the neoliberal order. Focusing Plus
Massenwohnungsbau in Brasilien
Die Forschungsarbeit zur Entwicklung von Cidade de Deus, einer Siedlung für Massenwohnungsbau aus den 1960er Jahren in Rio de Janeiro, untersucht die Transformation eines damals isolierten Randgebiets in ein heute funktionierendes städtisches Quartier. Die von Gewalt bestimmte Geschichte von Cidade de Deus hat durch das gleichnamige Buch von Plus
Qualités urbaines
Les règles du jeu étaient les suivantes : cinq collègues du département architecture de l’ETH Zurich, dont les positions en matière de contenus pouvaient difficilement être plus différentes, se sont mis au défi d’élaborer des mesures en faveur du développement qualitatif de la ville d’aujourd’hui pour le programme Plus
Urbanisme pour le troisième âge
Le projet de recherche « Urbanisme pour le troisième âge » aborde deux processus de transformation socio-démographiques actuels : le vieillissement de la population et l’urbanisation de l’environnement. Il répond à ces déplacements parallèles en tentant d’identifier et de traduire sous forme de concepts de nouvelles expériences urbaines. Plus
Mirroring Effects: Tales of Territory
Les études de cas traitées dans l’ouvrage Mirroring Effects: Tales of Territory illustrent sur un mode narratif la façon dont les actuels processus d’urbanisation contribuent à l’organisation du territoire, notamment du fait de la globalisation économique. Aussi invraisemblables qu’elles puissent apparaître, les histoires facilitent la compréhension des actuels Plus
Housing Cairo
Le projet de recherche Housing Cairo analyse les mécanismes politiques et économiques – processus formels et informels, ainsi que leurs combinaisons – à l’œuvre dans la production du territoire. Au cours des dernières décennies, la périphérie du Caire est devenue une zone presque insaisissable avec des points de Plus
«Housing Cairo: The (Informal) Response» and «Cairo’s Desert Cities»
Ruby Press. More Hot off the press! Featuring essays by Paulo Tavares, Keller Easterling, Matias Echanove and Rahul Srivastava of URBZ, and Rainer Hehl. Empower is the third volume in the «Essays on the Political Economy of Urban Form» series, this time adding a touch of political ecology.
The School, The Book, The Town. Logbook – Ethiopia in a Timeline
Berlin: Ruby Press. Mehr A biography of an experiment undertaken in Ethiopia for nearly a decade, starting with the founding of a school, setting off a series of investigations assembled in a book, and leading to the construction of a town. A timeline running all through the book Plus
Cidade De Deus – City of God: working with informalized mass housing in Brazil
Informalize! On the Political Economy of Urban Form
Berlin: Ruby Press. Mehr A cross-section of urban informality drawing on broader theoretical frameworks as well as case studies. Reading the city of yesterday as the physical manifestation of the failure of the urban economy to meet the needs of a growing population, Informalize! turns to the city Plus
Architecture Dialogues
Zürich: Verlag Niggli. Mehr In den vorliegenden «Architekturdialogen» befragen neun Interviewer 30 namhafte Schweizer Architekturschaffende nach Leitbildern, Tendenzen und einem Ausblick ihrer theoretischen Überlegungen und praktischen Arbeiten. Unter den Architekten und Büros sind Herzog & de Meuron, Peter Zumthor, Valerio Olgiati, Mario Botta, Luigi Snozzi und viele Plus
Cities of Change, Addis Ababa. Transformation Strategies for Urban Territories in the 21st Century
Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser. Mehr The research investigates the performance of cities in view of resource fluxes – the interplay and transformation of stocks and flows of resources according to changing parameters in time. Specifically, seven trajectories are identified, acknowledging both physiological and morphological transformations of urban systems: Plus
The plan as visual medium. Between Abstraction and Concretization
Generalist. Darmstadt: Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, Technische Universität Darmstadt. 51-61. ISBN 978-3-89479-573-3. Mehr Der Artikel untersucht das visuelle Medium des Planes hinsichtlich seines Zweckes der abstrahierten Darstellung einer Planung (Abstraktion) sowie der Anleitung zu deren Umsetzung (Konkretisierung). Planformen werden hierzu mit Karten und Musikpartituren verglichen, deren Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede erarbeitet Plus
Urbane Qualitäten. Ein Handbuch am Beispiel der Metropolitanregion Zürich
Zürich: Edition Hochparterre. Mehr Unsere Siedlungsgebiete haben sich grundlegend verändert: Agglomerationen, Städte, Dörfer und Landschaften bilden metropolitane Netzwerke, neue funktionale Zusammenhänge und räumliche Strukturen sind entstanden. Dieses Handbuch verschafft Orientierung und hilft Qualitäten und Defizite in urbanen Gebieten festzustellen. Als praxisorientiertes Arbeitsinstrument richtet sich das Buch an alle, die sich mehr für Qualitäten Plus
Gutes Wohnen fürs kleine Portemonnaie: Deutliche Worte und Lösungsansätze an der No cost Housing Conference
Die Städte unserer Erde wachsen rasant. In kürzester Zeit entwickeln sich kleine Dörfer zu Millionenmetropolen. Gewohnt wird Schulter an Schulter und das zu Preisen, die sich Haushalte mit tiefen Einkommen kaum oder gar nicht mehr leisten können. Neue, innovative Wohnbaustrategien scheinen unausweichlich zu sein.
Ethiopia’s Social Housing Program – Low-Cost at a High Price
Exploring the political-economic mechanisms underlying the production of affordable housing has been a recurring research theme at the chair of Prof. Marc Angélil. While also addressing the more familiar settings of the United States and central Europe, the main focus has been on rapidly growing urban territories of Plus
Cooperative Production of Low-Cost Housing – Socio-Technological Innovation for the Provision of Housing for Low-Income Populations
As part of the Scientific & Technological Cooperation Programme Switzerland – Rio de Janeiro (STCPSRJ), the Chair of Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil has launched this three-year research project in January. A joint research between the Institute of Urban Design (ISB) at the Department for Architecture of ETH Zurich and Plus
Food Territories: Losing Ground to Urbanization
Sitting under a tree on a pile of discarded furniture, surrounded by fifteen-story buildings, the sad-eyed farmer and his wife tell a gloomy story, that of disappearing agriculture at the periphery of Cairo. Surrounded on three sides by blind brick facades, their field is about 100 meters long Plus
Territorial Organization | Module VI
What are the mechanisms at work in the production of territory and what are their effects on the make-up of the human habitat? In order to tackle this question, the research focused on the relationship between forms of collective organization (social, political, and economic) and the forms of Plus