Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Wer fernab von angewöhnten Einsichten forscht und lehrt, sollte die eigene Position immer wieder kritisch hinterfragen. Wir zeigen Ihnen hoffentlich gelungene Beispiele aus Laos, Madagaskar, Myanmar, Addis Abeba, Südafrika, London, Johor Bahru, Singapur und Batam. Urteilen Sie selbst!
By working in a participatory manner, we aim at increasing trust, credibility, and acceptance of research results, plans, and concrete measures, but also at the self-determination of concerned actors in strategy development processes. This holds true for such processes in both foreign and domestic contexts. In foreign contexts though, the researcher might be challenged because of different codes of interaction and social backgrounds; therefore, intercultural competence is needed for collaboration. Even with the best intentions, tensions might still arise while working in foreign contexts, and thus projects require constant reflection.
This three-year research project aims at incorporating the environment into holistic, national-scale planning by calculating the economic benefits from environmental assets (termed natural capital). It will contribute to more informed and sustainable urban land planning decisions, in partnership with government stakeholders. Existing methods are not readily applicable to tropical nations such as Singapore. This research can position Singapore as a leader of policy-relevant natural capital assessments in the region of SE-Asia where urbanization is currently occurring both very rapidly and unsustainably. Project lead: Prof. Dr. Grêt-Regamey, Dr. Daniel A. Friess from the National University of Singapore.
Soon when crossing the street we might need to also look towards the sky! Researchers and practitioners alike are starting to invest resources into the investigation of potential impacts of flying car systems on the transportation. Will the flying car help reduce congestion on roads? Will it bring the benefits for inter-city commuters? What are the influences on the environment? These are the questions we will try to answer. Milos Balac, VPL group, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme IVT.
29. März, 11:00–12:00 Uhr | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL F36.1
ETH Forum Wohnungsbau 2018.
13. April 2018, ganztags | ETH Zürich, Auditorium Maximum (HG F30), Rämistrasse 101
Guest Lecture | 25 April 2018, 12:45–16:30 | ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, HIL E9
Deadline for applications: 30 April 2018
Guest Lecture by Gareth Doherty | Tuesday 15 May 2018, 18:00 – 19:30 | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL E3. Followed by an apéro riche in the Case Studio VOGT, Stampfenbachstr. 59, Zürich.
16. Mai 2018, 13:00–16:30 | Infopavillon Limmattalbahn Ringstrasse, Schlieren
17. Mai 2018 | ETH Zürich Oerlikon, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50
NSL Kolloquium: 16. Mai 2018, Semper-Aula, HG G 60, ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich.
Ausstellung: 14. bis 18. Mai 2018, Haupthalle, ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich.
Abschiedsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholl | 23. Mai, 17:15 | ETH Zürich, Auditorium Maximum (HG F30), Rämistrasse 101
Book Launches / Buchvernissagen:
24. Mai 2018 | 09:00–09:45 | Architekturbiennale Venedig, Giardini (Rolex Pavillion)
Exhibition opening «On Planning – A Thought Experiment»
24. Mai 2018 | 14:30–15:30 | Fondazione Cini, Venedig
Simon Kretz and David Chipperfield: Public discussion about the publication.
7 June
09:00–17:00 | The Grand Projet. Understanding the Making and Impact of Urban Megaprojects
17:00–18:00 | Kees Christiaanse: Unpacking the City, Rolling Out Urbanity
8 June
09:00–17:00 | Urban Design. Research and Education
Book Launch | 14–17 June 2018 | Basel, Switzerland
Patrick Bösch, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme
Sascha Delz, Institut für Städtebau
Isabelle Fehlmann, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur
Claudia Gebert, Koordinationsstelle NSL, Chefredaktion
Melanie Fessel, Institut für Städtebau
Lorena Segura, Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung