A complete list of publications can be reached via the following link, which also includes advanced search capabilities: ETH Zurich Research Collection

  • Departments / Institutes

Dimensions of place (adapted from Canter (1977) and Montgomery (1998)) and resulting concepts in bold (place qualities, sense of place, place affect) © ETH Zürich

Operationalising Place for Land System Science

Michal Switalski, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
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Wohnen: Zwölf Schlüsselthemen sozialräumlicher Wohnforschung

Christine Hannemann, Nicola Hilti, Christian Reutlinger (Hrsg.)

Bodies of Water – A Swiss Landscape Trilogy

Christophe Girot, Ludwig Berger, Fabian Gutscher, Dennis Häusler, Johannes Rebsamen, Matthias Vollmer (Hrsg.)

Pamphlet 26: Probing Zurich

Christophe Girot, Dennis Häusler, Magdalena Kaufmann, Matthias Vollmer.

Symbolbild: Mehr Fuss-​ und Veloverkehr führt zu weniger Emissionen. (Bild: Adobe Stock)

Zu Fuss zu Netto-Null

Dr. Sibylle Wälty

Transitional Space – Six Japanese Houses Traversed

Christophe Girot, Dennis Häusler, Luisa Overath, Myriam Uzor, Matthias Vollmer (Ed.)


Joris Van Wezemael, Paul Schneeberger
Verlag Hochparterre

Wohnen  Zwölf Schlüsselthemen sozialräumlicher Wohnforschung

Wohnen. Zwölf Schlüsselthemen sozialräumlicher Wohnforschung

Christine Hannemann, Nicola Hilti, Christian Reutlinger
Verlag Fraunhofer

Figure 2. Test area (in red), Zurich Switzerland. The highlighted network in gray indicates the road segments where data is collected and processed. The traffic light symbols indicate the five implemented traffic control systems.

An Experimental Urban Case Study with Various Data Sources and a Model for Traffic Estimation

Alexander Genser, Noel Hautle, Michail Makridis, Anastasios Kouvelas
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Fig. 10. Observed and predicted bike traffic counts in Zurich (left) and Basel (right) from 1.1.2019 until 1.5.2021.

COVID-19 as a Window of Opportunity for Cycling: Evidence from the First Wave.

Beda Büchel, Alessio Daniele Marra, Francesco Corman
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Modern Architect and Migrant in the Australian Tropics

Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye (series editors), Deborah van der Plaat, John MacArthur (eds.), Karl Langer
Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture

cover Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye, series editors) Kay Fisker: Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture image002

Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture

Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye (series editors), Martin Søberg (ed.), Kay Fisker
Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture

cover Avermaete Ernesto Nathan Rogers: The Modern Architect as Public Intellectual image003

The Modern Architect as Public Intellectual

Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye (series editors), Maurizio Sabini (ed.), Ernesto Nathan Rogers
Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture

cover of publication Avermaete OASE 109

Theme Issue ‘Modernities’, OASE 109. Journal for Architecture

Tom Avermaete, Christoph Grafe, Véronique Patteeuw, Hans Teerds (eds.)
Order OASE 109

Diego Cruciat: Tagliamento from Monte di Ragogna. CC BY-SA 3.0

Mapping Citizen Preferences and Priorities for an Alpine River Landscape

Anna Scaini, Ana Stritih, Constance Brouillet, Chiara Scaini

Cover Landscript Girot

Landscript 6: Landscape Analogue. About Material Culture and Idealism

Christophe Girot, Albert Kirchengast (Editors)
Jovis Verlag


Eveline Althaus, Marie Glaser, Leonie Pock
Download PDF Projektdokumentation (PDF, 17.1 MB)

Urban Design in the 20th Century: A History

Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye
gta Verlag

Concept of signal transformation from the time to space domain © Alexander Genser, ETH Zürich

Ride Comfort Assessment for Automated Vehicles Utilizing a Road Surface Model and Monte Carlo Simulations

Alexander Genser, Roland Spielhofer, Philippe Nitsche, Anastasios Kouvelas
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Robotic Landscapes – Designing the Unfinished

Ilmar Hurkxkens, Fujan Fahmi, Ammar Mirjan (Editors)
Available at Park Books

Recovery Preparedness of Global Air Transport Influenced by COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Intervention Analysis

Chunli Zhu, Jianping Wu, Mingyu Liu, Linyang Wang, Duowei Li, Anastasios Kouvelas
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Bypass urbanization in Lagos in relation to the metropolitan scale (map design by Dorothée Billard, based on Sawyer, 2016).

Bypass Urbanism: Re-ordering Center-Periphery Relations in Kolkata, Lagos and Mexico City

Lindsay Sawyer, Christian Schmid, Monika Streule, Pascal Kallenberger

Comfortable reachable streets, sensitivity on relative humidity: CC Bäckeranlage, basemap: (29) © IVT, ETH Zürich

A GIS-based Model of Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Case Study for Zurich

Jonas Hess, Adrian Meister, Valentin Melnikov, Kay W. Axhausen

Microscopic (Aimsun) model of the network, with clustering results as links and controlled intersections as circles (intersections belonging to   in yellow,   in magenta,  in cyan, and   in black). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Modeling, Estimation, and Control in Large-scale Urban Road Networks with Remaining Travel Distance Dynamics 

Isik Ilber Sirmatel, Dimitrios Tsitsokas, Anastasios Kouvelas, Nikolas Geroliminis
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Image credit: Guangyu Du / MIT Senseable City Lab

The Universal Visitation Law of Human Mobility

Markus Schläpfer, Lei Dong, Kevin O’Keeffe, Paolo Santi, Michael Szell, Hadrien Salat, Samuel Anklesaria, Mohammad Vazifeh, Carlo Ratti, Geoffrey B. West
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51N4E, Denkstatt, Endeavour, Design in Dialogue

51N4E, Denkstatt, Endeavour, Design in Dialogue

Seppe De Blust, Freek Persyn et al.

Relational Theories of Urban Form. An Anthology

Daniel Kiss and Simon Kretz (Editors)
Birkhäuser Verlag